Yahoo messenger6.0 emoticons/audibles dont work

Discussion in 'General Software' started by Newbiegrl, Aug 10, 2005.

  1. Newbiegrl

    Newbiegrl Geek Trainee

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    Can anyone please help me out?.After reinstalling Yahoo messenger I notice my emoticons and audibles don't display in messenger?.A box poped up telling me to upgrade to the latest flash for audiles/emoticons to work.I did this and nothing has helped?.I first upgraded flah 7,that didn't help so i downloaded flash 8(beta)it hasn't changed anything.Any suggestions guys?. :(
  2. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    Sorry, my company runs only GAIM, which is also what I use at home. Trillian is pretty good, too. I'll keep my eyes peeled for a solution though.
  3. zRoCkIsAdDiCtInG

    zRoCkIsAdDiCtInG HWF Guitar Freak

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    yeah trillian is a good program, since yahoo, msn, and aim tend to switch settings in your computer without notifying you

    it might also help to do a reinstall if its on your pc, or possibly you downloaded the setup program but havent installed it yet, what browser are you using
  4. Newbiegrl

    Newbiegrl Geek Trainee

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    thanks for getting back nope,Yahoo is installed properly I'm not that much of a newbie..LOL.I'm using firefox browser and IE 6.0 which I never use anymore.I have nerver had this problem with yahoo,only 2 yrs ago but it was easily solved by upgrading flash like i did today and no luck,the emoticons/audibles don't appear still?.I cant see them just the other person I IM does.
  5. Newbiegrl

    Newbiegrl Geek Trainee

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    Hey just wanted to let you guys know that i solved the problem after a couple reinstalls and system restore now everything works perfectly thanks. ;)

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