Acid3: Putting Browser Makers on Notice, Again. - The Web Standards Project For your viewing (dis)pleasure, I've attached screenshots of Acid3 rendering in Firefox 3.0b4pre, IE6, Konqueror 3.5.8, Opera 9.26, and finally a shot of the reference rendering.
i'm more than a little concerned, i've being using Swiftweasel for a while now, but SW doesn't do well on the Acid3 test & neither does opera & konqueror dies crashes every time i start the test i did try installing iceweasel yesterday, but, as you probably know, IW will not install because it's no longer available BTW: i've included some screenshots of SW & opera is there anything i need to / should be doing ? Edit: the first screenshot (left) is in opera & the other 2 are SW
The latest beta of Opera 9.5 performs much better then the 9.2x series. Unfortunately Opera 9.5 beta is buggy as hell. It crashes at least once every day. But the improvements in Opera 9.5 beta 1 over every other browser are such that I can put up with the unstability for now
[ot] Sure you can, though it won't get any shinier. Just remember not to scratch your face afterward. [/ot]
If there was ever a spokesperson who perfectly reflected the attitude and intentions of their company, Steve Ballmer is it.
I highly doubt that Firefox 3 will be the fastest and most standards compliant browser when the final version of Opera 9.5 is released. Reports have shown that the most recent nightly build of Opera 9.5 is a good match for Firefox 3 On a side note, Opera 9.5 for Linux, when released, should work perfectly with video plugins like Totem and Mplayer. This is one feature I have really missed, and is the only reason why I have had to resort to using Firefox for those types of websites. Firefox is by no means a bad browser - I'd use it over everything else apart from Opera