Forum Rules

By registering at Hardware Forums, you agree to conduct yourself in accordance with the following.

General Rules

1.) Please don't put duplicate threads in different sections of the forums. If you happen to post your topic in the wrong section, the administrators or moderators will move it to the correct one and leave a redirector to the new location. Any duplicate threads will be closed and/or deleted. Repeat offenses will result in a permanent ban from the forums.

Do not register here simply to promote your website, goods or services. We pay for the bandwidth, and by doing so, you are stealing. Those that do will be banned, no questions asked. You may link your website in your signature, so long as it does not violate other rules. Links to your site are okay IF it is helping solve the problem. If you're wanting help on coding or designing your site then you can post in the Web Development Forums ONLY! If in doubt, PM a Mod or Admin.

3.) We have allowed the uploading of images to a gallery. We ask that you do not abuse this feature or post porn or other highly offensive material. If you're in doubt, you're probably better off not to post it.

4.) War3z, MP3's, illegal software, etc.: comments and threads on who to contact or where to go to obtain such material is prohibited. Why? Well, first of all, we could get into trouble, and 2nd, if the party owning the material that has been pirated decides to go after you, we may have to turn over any and all information on that person that we have.

5.) Personal attacks or other forms of disrespect are something that we don't want to see here. If you have a beef with someone, take it up with them over PM, e-mail, instant messaging, or anything else, so long as it doesn't come across these forums. Disrespect of a mod or admin or repeat offenses can affect your posting privileges. Also, any flame wars and the like that are on other message boards are not welcome here. We don't need it nor want it. Threads will be deleted for starters, but don't push your luck.

6.) World events and politics. Everyone has their views on things, and that's fine, but keep these topics to discussions, and not personal attacks. Keep in mind that this is an international message board, and that not everyone shares the same view as you do. People will get offended, but try to keep this to a minimum by keeping rule #5 in mind.

7.) Other links: to round everything out, we welcome cool, informative, funny, or otherwise useful links here. The only thing that we ask is that you keep in line with prior rules and don't post anything that you know is offensive to many people here. Graphically explicit links, funny or not, are not to be posted.

8.) Swearing. We haven't disabled the use of your favorite four letter words, but you don't need to curse like a sailor or rapper. If you need to blow some steam, we have The War Zoneavailable for venting. Again, keep Rule #5 in mind.

9.) If you've got a problem, don't forget to give the details, such as the hardware, drivers--the exact number would really help too, software, and/or error messages you receive, and what, if anything, you've tried to remedy it. That way we can help get a solution for you quicker than if we have to ask for it.

10.) Free iPods, TV's, PCs, etc. as well, but not limited to, Credit Card offers: These are pyramid schemes and are not allowed. If you sign up and make one of these posts your first, you will be banned. Links to these in your signature are also not allowed. Period. We consider this along the same lines as site pimping.

11.) Spelling. I know: this isn't English class, but please remember that you have a greater likely hood of someone helping if they can read and understand what you're getting at. We also ask that you refrain from using Instant Messaging/Text Messaging short-hand. Example: "OMG! Teh compy si teh sux0r wont let me d/l teh pr0ns." If you want help, we need to be able to read what you're saying. Reapeated failure to comply will result in a ban.

12.) Selling/Trading is only allowed in the Buy/Sell/Trade forum. NO Exceptions and this applies to both goods and services. Buy/Sell/Trade forums require that you make at least 50 posts before you can have access, this is in place to avoid people who register only to sell stuff with no attention of becoming an active member. After you reach 50 posts please allow 24hours before you can access the BST forums. If you trade here, you must use a valid, non-free e-mail address. Please pay attention to the BST rules posted in that forum.

13.) Signatures: Due to people registering simply for site pimping, we are very strict when it comes to sigs! If you work or represent commercial entity then you must purchase an Commercial Account Upgrade.

14.) We do not pay the moderators or admins to be here. They are doing this on their own time, which could be spent elsewhere. If a mod or admin asks you to do something, do it ASAP. Basically, don't give the staff crap if you want to last very long here. If you have a question concerning the rules, feel free to contact and admin or mod about it. We want this to be a helpful forum and will work with you within our power and the law.

Advertising Rules

1.) NO SITE PIMPING OR ADVERTISING. Yes, this is here twice. If your participating in the forums and want us to check out your site, that's fine. Better yet, put the link in your signature. Users that come here for site pimping and little or nothing else WILL have their account disabled and may even be banned for repeat offenses. You username on hardware forums must not in any form indicate a product name, service name, website name and domain name.

2.) If you are a retailer or service provider, you may not advertise in any way or form which includes links in your signature! If you want to advertise with us, please contact Sniper.

3.) If you have a store on ebay or have items for sale, the above rules applies to you as well. Don't push your luck here. Bannings have happened, and we are not afraid to ban site pimps, so be warned!

Advertising Rules

We will not release any member information unless under court order to do so. We (Zone 365/Hardware Forums) reserve the right to edit, delete, alter or otherwise change any post/thread/account for any reason deemed necessary.

We also reserve the right to make any and all changes with or without informing the member(s) involved. User accounts will not be deleted for our records, however can be disabled on request. We are fair, but when it comes to rules violations (especially repeat offenses), by posting here, you agree to the rules. This is regardless of if you have actually read them or not.

Being part of the NAI is an important step in helping protect online privacy. With our involvement in this organization we are going to need your help, moving forward the NAI has asked that all Publisher that are part of Burst Media add the following text to their privacy policy:

We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Web site. These companies may use aggregated information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, click here.

-Zone 365/Hardware Forums Staff

Mar 9, 2011
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