Just completed rebuild-at last!

Discussion in 'Cases, Modding and Gallery' started by teraformer, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. teraformer

    teraformer Geek Trainee

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    I"ll not be upgrading for a loooong time, This rebuild as cost me a loota dosh! :eek:
    Here"s a pic.

  2. Ferg

    Ferg Manbearpig

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    Looking good, yeah ultrasharps are never cheap :D
  3. Pimp

    Pimp Captain of USS Defiant

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    very very nice screen :) but not sure on the desktop background lol I'm picking on little detail sorry.

    btw how many fans you got on case??? that thing must be a dust collector lol and what is the case called?
  4. teraformer

    teraformer Geek Trainee

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    Hi Pimp, There"s 8x 120mm + 4x 80mm fans.
    there all on speed control and set to slowest setting, The only very slight sound comes from the swiftech pump which is a very slight hum :D .
    With fan speed at 1100 rpm im not to concerned about dust collection. And with dual double bypass rads my temps are = CPU 24C MOBO 35C
    8800GTX"s 47C top card 51C bottom card :D
  5. teraformer

    teraformer Geek Trainee

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    Oh Yea, Case is Mountain mods duality 18" cube case that supports two motherboards, But i just have one installed:eek:
  6. Pimp

    Pimp Captain of USS Defiant

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    wow very nice I'm impressed, how much it cost you?

    and what you got inside it?
  7. teraformer

    teraformer Geek Trainee

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    Case = 269.00 Rest of gear transfered from silverstone tj09 case.
    What"s in it is in my sig. :D
  8. Ferg

    Ferg Manbearpig

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  9. Pimp

    Pimp Captain of USS Defiant

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    yeah i thought why i couldn't see your sig . o well you just have to wait
  10. teraformer

    teraformer Geek Trainee

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    Here it is then:rolleyes:

    cpu= Intel qx6850 Quad core extreme edition.
    Mobo= Asus P5n32-E sli.
    Memory= 4G/B Corsair 8500.
    Graphics= 2x 8800gtx"s.
    PSU= Silverstone 750 watt modular.
    HD/Drives 2x W/Digital 250G/B in raid "0" + 500G/B W/Digital backup drive.
    2x Zalman pro fan controllers (control over 12 fans)
    Swiftech water cooling= CPU, Graphics via 2x double passthrough triple rads.
    (Only negative is that north bridge is not water cooled as yet)
    dinovo wireless keyboard
    logitech g5 mouse
    30" Dell tft
    Altec lancing 5.1.sound ( to onboard sound)
    10meg virgin broadband
    That"s about it ;)
    Might as well throw it in = 3D mark 06 =16926
    cpu multiplier up from 9 to 10 taking me from 3.0Ghz to 3.3Ghz. Will be downloading riva tuner so i can ramp up my vid cards. Hoping to reach close to 18000 marks :eek:
  11. Pimp

    Pimp Captain of USS Defiant

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    wow very impressive

    can that 750W PSU really handle 8800GTX in SLi plus everything and all those fans??? :doh:

    Also how is your gaming on that 30" monitor, i mean can the two 8800GTX handle that resolution of 2560x1600 with high graphic settings in games????
  12. teraformer

    teraformer Geek Trainee

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    no probs with psu for power.
    I play COD 4 @ 2560x1600 all at highest settings and it"s
    awsome! played bioshock through maxed out- same!
    Played crisis and i"ll have to admit it did pull my system right down to 17 f/p/s with fraps so was unplayable at 2560x1600
    but that was on my pevious cpu, A dual core(can"t remember what it was now) Perhaps i"ll do a fresh set of benches when iv"e overclocked graphics cards.
    But yea can play all games at highest res, Apart from games that are limited to lower res.
  13. Pimp

    Pimp Captain of USS Defiant

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    yeah well Crysis is badly written so it will eat your system up
  14. teraformer

    teraformer Geek Trainee

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    I haven"t played crysis since cod4 has been out!
    Even thought about givin it to a mate, As you say
    it looks like another case of pushing a game out fast, so cutting corners on coding to get there money back sooner.
    I exspect there"s been a shed load of patches since the release date to resolve problems that should have been sorted before going gold:dry:
  15. teraformer

    teraformer Geek Trainee

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    While im here. Thinking about having a second psu around 300watts just to run Watercooling and fans. It"ll take a bit of pressure of my main supply, Although it"s copping o.k.
    It may start to groan a little when i start O/clocking.
    Just an excuse to do something to mi p.c. really :x:
  16. Pimp

    Pimp Captain of USS Defiant

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    Yeah well don't over do things, something might go wrong ;)

    BTW i noticed you got a Swiftech x2 radiator, just wondering how well it performs? because I'm thinking of getting a Q9450 and then water cooling it with perhaps a Swiftech radiator but with triple fans. I heard that Thermochill are the best at rads but they too expensive, so what you think of the Swiftech?
  17. teraformer

    teraformer Geek Trainee

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    Yea, I bought 2 thermochill PA120.3 rads. Think they where 56.00 each. I got them because there double bypass for top performance.
    I think it"s a forgone conclusion that swiftech water cooling components are top class only rivaled by dangerden. My loop= pump = rad1 = cpu = rad2 = 8800gtx"s = resavoir = back to pump.
    p.c. been on all day. just checked cpu 19c mobo 33c
    top 8800gtx 41c bottom 8800gtx 45c.
    8800"s checked with riva tuner for temps.
    These temps beat all other water cooling i have had in the past by a good margin ( chilli-chips ans asustech)
  18. teraformer

    teraformer Geek Trainee

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    I really need to get that northbridge block and mossfet block"s to get mobo temps down more :dry:
  19. Pimp

    Pimp Captain of USS Defiant

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    Very nice temps, so i guess i might get my self a swiftech rad and see how it goes. what cpu cooler you recommend?
  20. teraformer

    teraformer Geek Trainee

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    I use the swiftech Apogee gt block. Just to say swiftech and danger den blocks are optimized for high flow systems useing 1/2" i/d tubing hence a higher flow rate producing better cooling (you probably know this but just in case)
    Some small water cooling kits use 1/4" tubing, Allright for your first atempt at w/cooling. One thing to mention is that the 1/2" barbs have a rubber "0" ring to make the barb water tight, There can be a problem here as your not supposed to overtighten the barb to the "0" ring. Because the tubing is so strong, When you move it around to fit onto all barbs your useing it can loosen the barbs. I would deffo recommend useing some PTF tape to get a good tight sealand of course allways check there are no leaks by powering up your PSU via the green and black wires so theres no power to your onboard components :)

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