Hello Again.....

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by pelvis_3, Oct 4, 2008.

  1. pelvis_3

    pelvis_3 HWF Member For Life

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    Hello everyone,
    Just thought I'd pop in to say Hi. I have been inactive for a long time
    due to work and other stuff but I'm back now and I hope to be able to
    participate like I used to. I see everyone has been doing well. Lots of helpful points I see :D
    I'm surprised I'm still news crew but anyway, see you around the forums :)
  2. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    hey pelvis_3

    good to have you back! if you still want to post news let me know, as news is now posted over at zone365.com :) I've not raised my helpful points much but others have.
  3. pelvis_3

    pelvis_3 HWF Member For Life

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    Yeah, I wouldn't mind posting news still. Process pretty much the same?
    I've gotta read a couple of thousand threads to catch up!
  4. DaRuSsIaMaN

    DaRuSsIaMaN Geek Comrade

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    Welcome back Pelvis! I expect you to comment on every one of my threads during your process of catching up. Otherwise, we're no friends. :p

    Incidentally, what exactly is zone365.com? I visited it and I see that they have the articles that are in our news section... but still, what exactly IS it? Just that? A blog-like entity for our news?
  5. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    despite its name I guess that's what confuses you? its a tech news blog with reviews etc, it will start to get more content slowly.
  6. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    Wow, a blast from the past! Hello Pelvis
  7. pelvis_3

    pelvis_3 HWF Member For Life

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    Hasn't been THAT long has it?
  8. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    Feels like it! Either that or I have been around for too long on these forums :D
  9. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    Sniper...what are you using as blog software? joomla?
  10. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    Hey Egal, long time no "see". :) Though your question wasn't directed at me exactly, the answer is no, it's running WordPress.

    And of course, welcome back pelvis, you stray-cat-of-the-forums you :D
  11. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    Oh I pop in from time to time :D This was the first community I joined right after my first computer and net access. Knew nothing then...less than nothing...I think my first question was ' can I safely turn the computer off ' [​IMG]

    ...since then I've created several websites and a very active forum.

    Most of you guys were just kids when I joined...younger than my son ( still are :p )...I was ( still am :D ) old and noobish, and you guys were all teens ( mostly ) and highly skilled techies...talk about a generation gap.

    All my blogs are Wordpress too.

    See ya...I'll be around ;)
  12. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    Pretty much, though it's probably best to post your writeup on Zone365 and let the newsfeed on HWF pick it up automatically.
    Welcome back dude. :good:
  13. JohnRocks

    JohnRocks Guest

    Welcome again dear!! I think you have toatly confused with your views.you have to through out your confuse with your mind and keep post your comment with us. hope it will get back reform in sape.
  14. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    Was that supposed to make sense at all?
  15. DaRuSsIaMaN

    DaRuSsIaMaN Geek Comrade

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    By the way, Sniper: so, should I be able to deduce that it's a "tech news blog" from the name, "zone365"? If so, how? Am I totally missing something?? Sorry if I'm being a total n00b right now... just curious... Basically, I don't understand what the name means at all. =\ So what does it mean? lol.
  16. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    nope not suppose to, the original idea was to have sub-domains eg. PC.Zone365.com, PS3.Zone365.com.
  17. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    What template are you using?

    you could still create blogs in sub-domains and then link to them like pages.

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