error message

Discussion in 'Networking and Computer Security' started by Robin1k, Apr 24, 2009.

  1. Robin1k

    Robin1k Geek

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    error message
    Hi I have finally got my daughters laptop running and the wi fi card installed however although it tells me I am connected and strength is excellent it will not find a web page the following shows on the bottom task bar when trying to connect to a web page
    What does this mean and how do I fix it
    I realise this next question is probably a simple question with an equally simple answer but what is virtual memory? as my desk top has told me I am low on it

    As I think you'll agree my status as being a trainee geek is true.

    Thanks, all your support and advice is invaluable.
  2. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    firstly let me please apologize for being wrong earlier (here)

    right, to your query
    i think this hes to do with QoS (Quality Of Service)
    now it sounds complicated (and it is) but basically QoS just means the quality of a service,

    so, a device is providing a Wi-Fi service & obviously the quality of the flow of data across the Wi-Fi network is bad, this has nothing to do with the signal strength between the Wi-Fi devices
    do you mean "dnserror"
    Virtual Memory is used (theoretically) when your system has used all available RAM, ideally virtual memory shold be set to twice the usable RAM, howevr some programs need a lot of virtual memory

    to instruct you i need to know, what Operating System (OS) you are using ?
  3. Robin1k

    Robin1k Geek

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    I am using windows xp home
    The message at the bottom of the page it nows says Done
    but it has still not conected
    cannot find server or DNS Error
    Internet explorer
    I am intending to change this to Safari once I am conected.
  4. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    right, right click My Computer (on desktop), select "Properties" and on one of the tabs (advanced i think) you will see "virtual memory" (on a button, i think) :unsure:

    now you have 2 values, min & max make sure both values are equal at least double the amount of usable RAM in the system or any value you think you need the max to be
    well maybe you are another person who needs to apply this patch
    i was actually referring to the error
    maybe i should have put that i was only refrrering to filename of "derror.htm" did it say "dnserror"
    :good: i don't like IE, i fact i'm using Linux (thats why im unsure)
  5. Robin1k

    Robin1k Geek

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    yes it was
  6. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    ok, this is a common problem with seemingly multiple solutions, but I have yet to determine what exactly causes/initiates the problem, try the following

    start DOS mode (start>run>ok, enter cmd>ok) & enter
    ipconfig /all (write the results down to note any anomalies)
    ipconfig /flushdns
    ipconfig /registerdns
    ipconfig /release
    ipconfig /renew
    ipconfig /all (and post both results, for comparison)

    if that sorts it, great

    if not post HighjackThis results
  7. Robin1k

    Robin1k Geek

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    This didn't work. As far as HIGHJACKTHIS I can't connect but these are the results as per your instructions.
    Host Name :Acer-684c9a655d
    Primary suffix:
    Node type :Unknown
    IP Routing enabled :no
    Wins Proxy enabled :no
    ethernet adapter local area connection
    Media State :media disconnected
    Description :Realtek RTL8139/810Xfamily Fast Ethernet NIC
    Physical Address :00-0A-E4-E8-E9-7B
    Ethernet adapter Wireless Network Connection
    Connection-Specific dns suffix:
    Description:Belkin 802.11g Wireless card
    Physical Address :00-11-50-91-2E-02
    Dhcp Enabled:No
    IP Adress :
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:

    Physical address: 00-0A-E4-E8-E9-7B
    Dhcp enabled:Yes
    Auto Configuration enabled:Yes
    IP [email protected]
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Server:
    DNS Server:
    Lease obtained:26 april 2009
    Lease expires:19 January 20038
    Ethernet Wireless Network Connection
    Media State: Media disconnected
    description Belkin 802.11g Wireless card
    Physical address:00-11-50-91-2E-02

    I had to attach the ethernet cable coming from the router directly into my laptop as it would not carry out any other function unless I was connected to the LAC.
    therefor I guess this meant overwriting the wireless card?
    Cannot find server or DNS Error is at the bottom of the page when I tried to connect again.
    Also what is HIGHJACK THIS?
  8. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    HijackThis is a tool that lists all installed browser add-on, buttons, startup items and allows you to inspect, and optionally remove selected items. The program can create a backup of your original settings and also ignore selected items. Additional features include a startup list report, hosts file manager, uninstall manager and some other tools, it is intended for advanced users, it is actually quite good and version 2.02 (latest version) should be installed on every PC with a net connection, for help dianosing if you have a problem like your havin

    no it hasn't, if you look your Wi-Fi card is still their
  9. Robin1k

    Robin1k Geek

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    What now? still can't connect it was working fine now I'm totally fed up
  10. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    was that everything, as some stuff appears to be missing ?
  11. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    you are doing this on the laptop arn't you ?

    BTW: if not, it's my fault for not specifying it erlier
  12. Robin1k

    Robin1k Geek

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    Yep I am doing this on the laptop.
    Everything stated is as it appeared
  13. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    just displays info
    releases IP's
    assigns IP's

    so the outputs should be very similar

    BTW: i'll PM RHochstenbach & see what he thinks, cos i'm not familiar or comfortable with Win & wireless

    Edit: he'll soon be here
  14. Robin1k

    Robin1k Geek

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    I've tried all again but after registerdns its states
    No operation can be performed on LAC while it's media is disconnected
  15. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    :doh: of coarse it can't, thats what your trying to do (get on net)

    BTW: i'm a plank
  16. Robin1k

    Robin1k Geek

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    You said it not me!!!!
  17. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    shut up, i know[ot]LOL[/ot]i don't mind, if i'm being a plank, i'll admit it, unlike most people

    BTW: i've also PM'd Saba as he was online

    Edit: i think you just need to tell IE to connect to net through LAN, but i was over complicating it, i always do
  18. Robin1k

    Robin1k Geek

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    In IE LAN Settings are set to Automatically detect settings.
    Should I select Use a proxy server for your LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or VPN connections)
  19. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    Edit: sorry about all the crap earlier, i ALWAYS over complicate stuff, but hopefully i'll learn from my mistakes (fat chance)
  20. Robin1k

    Robin1k Geek

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    I tried that didn't work so tried
    this is what appeared on the LAPTOP

    Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
    reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
    This repeated 4 times
    ping statistics for
    Packets: sent = 4, Recieved = 4, Lost = 0 <0% loss>,
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

    c:\Documents and Settings\emma>

    Its all complicated to me what ever happened to pen and paper!!

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