I have Windows XP and when I start my computer it keeps rebooting and never goes to the desktop. I tried last know configure, safe book and once I click on either of those it just keeps rebooting. Any suggestions?
It sounds like a Virus, It is stuck in a loop... Have you tried Safe Mode ? It might be a Smart Virus, The only way to fix is to do a total reinstall of Windows XP.. If you can get into safe mode, then run your Antivirus..
It doesnt not matter if I choose safe mood, last known configuration or any of those options on the screen. Once I select any of them the computer reboots
Yea! Thats a SMART Virus... you will have to reinstall Windows ... Is this a Laptop or Desktop ? Did your computer come with a recovery Disk ? Or do you have a copy of Windows XP setup disk ? ...
This is a destop that I did not plan on using after I got my data off the computer. The computer came with XP installed and is on the HD. There is a recovery method but that would wipe out my data. I do have another XP CD.
If you just want to get your data off it then you could pull the hard drive out and Piggy back it on another Computer to remove your data...
I thought of that; however I do not have another desktop, only laptops in my house. Isnt there a way to remove this SMART virus? If I do the windows repair will that wipe out my data?
If your computer is stuck into a loop, The only way would be to wipe it and start with a fresh install... There seems to be a rash of smart viruses running around on the net.. I am working on a laptop with one on it right now.. I don't think a repair would work...
I am not sure how to piggy back my HD as you mentioned. If I can find another desktop, can I removing the existing HD and connect mine to get my data?
Is your Hard drive Sata or IDE ??? If it is IDE, then usually Most computers have two connections on the IDE cable, Use the first on which would be set to Master (MA) Use the second one a Slave (SL) That should work,, OR Check this out... http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=2020&cat=HDD
I think it is IDE, but I'll have to open it and see. I just found a desktop from the neighbor so I'll go get that now and see what it has in it. I think you are saying I cant unhook my neighbors HD and install mine and have it work correct? The link was pretty cool but if I can get my data with the two computers that would be better
You have to use your Neighbors computer as the HOST, Then you hook yours up too the second IDE cable,Leaving the side cover OFF, Boot up your neighbors computer and then check the drives, Depends on the drives he has, BUT You should see your hard drive on lets say D: drive, Then you can click on it and find what you want to burn to CD/DVD... You might need some kind of burning software, You can get Ashampoo burning studio for free...
I now have another destop to be able to copy the data off my HD. I believe both these HDs are IDE since the ribbon cables in both computers have a second connection for slave. Before I do this let me make sure I am doing this correct. I already took the HD out of my computer. Can I unplug the HD in the other computer and connect mine to the ribbon cable and the other cable, sorry don't know the name of that one and start the computer and get my data. I see on the ribbon cable that one end is master and one end is slave, but I think there will be some other setting if I do that. Will my idea work?
You will have 3 to choose from Master /Slave And Cable select... You just leave your neighbors alone and do not touch it, It will be on Master or Cable select already.. You just have to Change you pin on your hard drive to either Slave or cable select and then use the second spot On the IDE cable.. What is it that you need to get off the hard drive ? Documents or Music or Pictures ...
ok have the HD all done and I am not at my desktop. Since I am putting my data on my laptop I need to get from my HD documents, favorites, contacts and emails. I believe I can open IE 8 and export the favorites. Not sure how exactly how to get contacts and email. I have outlook 2003 and that is also what is on my laptop
Check C:/ Program files Microsoft outlook or would be under C:/ documents and settings/User name/ Application data/ Microsoft outlook or something that effect..
Window XP is designed to automatically reboot each time an error occurs. You need to follow these steps: - right click on my computer icon. - go to properties option. - In the system properties window click the advance tab. - In advanced click the settings button under startup and recovery . - In the start up and recovery window uncheck the automatically restart check box. - click ok.
its seems that virus problem is there so may be due to that take it to some technical person who can resolve this .