PS3 should suck

Discussion in 'Video Gaming' started by yorkkev28, Aug 24, 2006.

  1. yorkkev28

    yorkkev28 HWF Minion

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    Let's all just pray that PS3 is the biggest loser in the next gen console race. Im very biased and i want the xbox or wii to be top dog.

    Ive heard that they have altered the spec in a major way as sony was running into serious problems.

    Anyone else heard owt
  2. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    I dont believe on rumors, only facts. Without using and experiencing the product, I wont say anything.
  3. syngod

    syngod Moderator

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    Sony has altered quite a few things they said they were going to initially include, but the one thing I think could end up hurting Sony is throwing the Blu-Ray drive as a default drive for the PS3.

    So far their Blu-Ray movies haven't exactly been thrilling to many people and their PC drive is unable to read Blu-Ray movies, so throwing a fairly expensive drive into the system when most developers probably won't take advantage of the extra space available becase they'll want to spread their development costs across the patforms aren't going to spend a forune doing a PS3 only version.

    Unless Sony either takes a bigger hit subsidizing the cost of the system, gets their quality control on their movie side quite a bit better or end up releasing a console with only a dvd drive I don't see the PS3 becoming quite as dominant as the PS1 & PS2 were. I heard tons of complaints at the 360 pricing so when the PS3 is even more I can see lots of parents skipping it.
  4. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Nah, PS3 will come on top, look at how much better the XBOX was that the PS2, the PS2 was still on top, the PS3 will be an awsome console whatever, i cant see SONY downgrading the specs so much that it wont be as good as an XBOX 360.
  5. beretta9m2f

    beretta9m2f Karate-Chop Action Gabe

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    Yep,I agree with Willz, plus i'm biased toward sony and i hate Xbox b/c its a crappy version of a PC. With me its all about the games, I don't like Xbox b/c its only saving grace is Halo which i hated. There was no point in me getting a system to play the same games that come out on ps2 or PC just with a smoother texture here or there. Playstation has the games i love, God of War, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Metal Gear and so forth. Also Playstation has an awesome controller for fighting games (doesn't REALLY matter because i use a bigass joystick but its still good to have).

    Most of these games will come out for PS3 and i'm definitely going to enjoy them unless the developers decide to make them suck for PS3 which i highly doubt. I left out first person shooters because while they can be somewhat fun with friends they're much better on PC, much better graphics and control. I can't see myself playing fear on a console, even if it looks close to as good as it was on PC because i already own it on PC, same with half life 2 and Doom 3. Same with oblivion and any other game that comes out on the 360.

    I love Nintendo, they're oldschool- its too bad they're game selection has been weak since N64. but for some reason each system had a game that really was its saving grace Goldeneye, which is over rated but at the time was the SHIT!! and of course Zelda 64. I actually bought a gamecube just to play Metal Gear Solid the Twin Snakes and the Zelda pack that brings almost every major Zelda game.

    Bottom line, i don't mind if Xbox is successful as long as its not because of Halo again...but PS3 and the Wii will definitely be sitting next to my TV.
  6. syngod

    syngod Moderator

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    The Xbox was also had a premium price compared to the PS2, which helped Sony maintain sales when the original xbox was launched as when parents saw the two systems at Christmas and the PS2 was cheaper they were buying it for thier kids.

    This generation is the exact opposite, MS is coming in at the lower price point and I'm sure come Christmas many parents will buy the cheaper system. I noticed the same thing last year, the GameCube went nuts here because it was $199 vs. $299 for the PS2 & Xbox. GC's were selling out as fast as they came in and had a list of customers waiting for them while there were still PS2's & Xbox's sitting on the shelf.
  7. yorkkev28

    yorkkev28 HWF Minion

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    The Sony pad thing. Ive seen the new pad and i think its safe to say that it is the worst designed heap of junk ive seen for a pad since that weird hand control thing.

    As for price point, Yes i do believe the PS3 will still sell lots of consoles no matter what the price is cause they have a loyal following.

    But loyal followers change attitudes, Lets just ask Sega and Atari.

    The only constant for our gaming heritage is Nintendo, and out of all the players they are the only ones that come up with innovative and fun games time and time agian.

    Whenever all the lads get together its always the gamecube which is preferred out of all of them.
  8. Matt555

    Matt555 iMod

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    Personally I won't be going for a PS3 because of a few main reasons:

    1. Price,
    2. Blu-Ray - I don't see the point, it's not the guaranteed future HD format,
    3. Did I mention price?

    I will be going for the Wii for a few reasons:

    1. Price,
    2. The control system - it's the thing that excites me most,
    3. The possibility of the mini-games that might be downloaded off the net.

    Price is a big part - I'll be at Uni so I'll want something cheap, I might not get to play that much so it'll be better spending less money that way theres less money to be wasted if it isn't good.
  9. Addis

    Addis The King

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    I'm sort of biased towards PS3, and hope it does very well. But we're not in a position to judge anything until it is launched, speculation is speculation. I see a lot of people making decisions about the consoles before its fully developed or released.
  10. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    If sony wants to be on top, they will be on top!
  11. yorkkev28

    yorkkev28 HWF Minion

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    I wouldn't say im not a sony fan i just hate PS in the same way that people hate microsoft.

    From the last post can i just say wouldn't it be great if life actually worked like that!!!
  12. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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  13. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    This is very interesting as Sony really needs this one to pay off or they're going to be in serious trouble here. They've been struggling to rake in a profit for some time now unfortunately and it naturally costs loads more to product the PS3 than it actually sells for. Blueray is definately a gamble as if it doesn't become the movie format of choice half the reason it's there is now taken away.

    Blueray defintely has the storage advange compared to HD DVD, read 25/50GB (single and dual layer) compared to 15/30. The 360 will have an HD DVD attachment as an option but it is not used for games, just movies. So the PS3 looks good as a forward thinking console in this respect. Resistence: Fall of Man, one of PS3's top games takes up 22GB's right now, you couldn't fit that on a single layer HD DVD, let alone a dual layer standard DVD. What do you suspect it'll be like in 3 years? Games only grow in size after all. That space is definately going to be a godsend for developers hopeing to build expansive worlds, save money by loading all the languages onto a single disk, offer hours of cinematics, fmv, high quality voiceovers, massive textures etc. I'm a pretty big 360 fan but I can't help but be very excited about all this.

    As for Sony changing major specs that's a bit of an exageration. The core specs are the same, the system is just as powerful as ever. 1st year games aren't going to look a whole lot better than currect 360 games, probably worse than some, but compaired to the 360's launch titles we should see a good improvement that will become more pronounced as developers grow more accustomed with the tools they have to work with and the nuances of the system. So at the end of it's life span I belive we should see a decent gap between to two.

    To save money Sony left out an Extra HDMI and ethernet port on the $600, and cut the card reader, HDMI port, and built-in wireless for the $500 model. That may sound fairly drastic but you can easily hook up any existing periperals you have to make up for those losses on the $500 model. You won't have an HDMI port but you can still do 1080p with component.

    The motion sensing controller is a natural progression, it should add a new layer to games and give multiplatform games a few distinguishing features. I'm a bit ripped they don't have vibration any more but you can't have everything I guess.

    The thing that really give me the most confidence though is the dedicated fan base, as others have said the PS2 sold way more units than the GC or Xbox 1 despite being a less powerful system. There are a ton of faithful developers, standout exclusives, and eager fan base to keep them in the running. The only thing that worries me is the price of games, $50 was bad enough but $60 is terrible concidering a lot of those games loose their fun factor after the first or second playthough, if that.
  14. beretta9m2f

    beretta9m2f Karate-Chop Action Gabe

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    Controller has been redisigned, its now exactly like the dualshock but wireless, every control pad has pretty much tried to be a ps2 controller clone, but personally i prefer both analog sticks next to one another rather than switched. to each his own, but the "boomerang" design was kicked a long while back. check it out

    Just out of curiosity, what is it about PS you don't like?
  15. harrack52

    harrack52 Supreme Geek

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    I'm taking Sony because they can offer me what no one else can, not even the pc, and that's Gran Turismo.

    That and that alone, is responsible for my decision.
  16. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Blue Ray is the way to go :good: especially for pc's, 50gb on one disk, practically a pocket hard drive lol.

    I think sony should have HD DVD and Blue Ray tho.
  17. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    It would be nice to have both but Sony naturally can only really back one, though there is a box that's apparently able to play both, at least one in the works. That's a smart move.
  18. beretta9m2f

    beretta9m2f Karate-Chop Action Gabe

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    Metal Gear Solid 4 for me...its my fav series thus far. Graphics are insane, i'd even get an Xbox 360 if metal gear was exlusive to it, but thankfully its not!
  19. yorkkev28

    yorkkev28 HWF Minion

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    I'll be purchasing the wii as it offers what i said in my last post. "innovative excitingly different games" Nintendo put the fun in games.

    Gamecube fav's: Warioware, Super Monkeyball (not the crappy versions which were released later on the other consoles), Animal crossing, Harvest moon, Star wars rogue leader.
  20. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    the Wii will have games simaler to that of the gamecube, stuff like super mario lol, pathetic games, Most games that camer out for the Gamecube only were pathetic

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