How do i back up my game

Discussion in 'Video Gaming' started by megabytes, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. megabytes

    megabytes Geek Trainee

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    Can anybody give me any info on how to backup my pc game as the original is looking a bit worse for wear.All help appreciated:)
  2. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Download a program called DeepBurner (Free Version) The when installed and started up, go to CD Copy / Burn ISO Image. Choose were to save the ISO to, and then click Create ISO, or if you have 2 cd/dvd drivers, just put your game disc in, and a blank disk in your other drive, and click on copy CD :)

    There maybe better software, but this is one of the free software i have used and its preety good :)

    If you did back it up on the PC with an ISO, just use the same DeepBurner software to select and burn the ISO to Disc, or you could use a program like Daemon Tools to mount the ISO on a Virtual Disc drive.
  3. thomas234

    thomas234 Big Geek

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  4. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    fist you need to find out which folder the game stores saved games, which changes from game to game in Simon the sorceror 3D the saved games are named <saved name>.sav, and if i remember correctly they are saved in
    C:\Program Files\Simon the sorceror\saves
    to backup a saved game just copy the .sav files, to restore your saved games, just put the .sav files into the folder where they were

    Oh, and STS 3D also has a saves.ini, also in the above folder, just backup and restoe as above

    Edit: do you want to backup the game disc of your saved games
  5. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Saved games for alot of games are actually Located in My Documents, some games like COD 2 are in the actual game installations, and for other games like F.E.A.R there in documents and settings\all users\Documents.

    I should also of mentioned, that he could just crate a Data DVD and paste the whole contents of the installation directory onto DVD/CD including the saves, so when you have re installed windows ever or need to re isntall the game, just uninstall it, and paste the directory, some gamer require registry entries though and this wont work, from what i have seen, after a re install of windows, games that are still on the drive in a different partition work even withought been installed, the games that i have found work are, GTA SA, Dreamfall - The Longest Jounrey, Dark Messiah - Might & Magic, Star Treck - Legacy, Guild Wars, Oblivion, Need For Speed Carbon/Mw, Need For Speed Underground 1/2, Splinter Cell 2, Morrowind and litrally most games out there, but games like Unreal Tournament 2004 require registry entries.
  6. megabytes

    megabytes Geek Trainee

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    I have downloaded a program called clone cd it will copy my original game football manager 07 but when i put the backup cd in drive it starts to install the game which is good but once the game is installed i click on the icon for the gameand a message comes up saying please eject and re-insert cd-rom,select ok and restart application.Can anybody help/advise please:confused:
  7. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Yea, most games have protections and it has to be the propor retail disk, it knows if the disk is a copied disks.
  8. megabytes

    megabytes Geek Trainee

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    So apart from going out and buying the game again there's no way around it
  9. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Well, there are always No CD cracks and Mini Images.
  10. megabytes

    megabytes Geek Trainee

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    What do u mean explain more ta
  11. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    No CD crack, they are so you dont need to insert your CD everytime you need to play a game, but there illigal, same for Mini Images.

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