I would like a suggestion on what burners give the "best bang for the buck" I'm am going to lok into it more today. But I would like some input from you guys, what experience you have had with different burners.. thanks in advance. ~temporal~
I haven't used their burners, but I have had good luck with other Samsung optical drives and they're also priced similarly to Lite-ON.
B is right, Samsung are excellent. If you can get one for even close to the price of a Lite-On, go for it!
well i have now built 6 computers with DVD-RW's i have now experienced: LG LiteOn Artec Sony NEC all in either 8x or 12x in my personal opinion, and from what customers have said the LG 12X retail Dual Format Pack is just brilliant, it burns at 12x dvd-r/+ // 8x dvd-rw/+ and DVD Ram at 4x or 8x cant remember i always test them with: Datawrite Discs Maxell Discs Mirror Discs infiniti Discs Datasafe Discs & even the ebuyer really cheap one's.. some of the DVD-R's do have problems reading / writing certain discs, only experienced this with the Liteon's and Sony's.. but mainly the Sony's, they are ok, but really not upto par compared with other brands of DVD-RW's the quality is just not that great. but i have to say my favourite out of all of them for the money is the artec (new brand i believe): http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/prod...2hvd19wcm9kdWN0X292ZXJ2aWV3&product_uid=62295 £52.00 for a very reliable 12x DVD-RW However for an extra £10 u can get the LG which is what i would go for, or the NEC..
I really like the NEC DVD-RWs(I have two 2500As one for each PC) and I've been using the Lite-On DVD-roms \ CD-RWs with absolutely no issues for many years..
When did you pick up the NEC DVD's? I missed that...you didnt get my approval! BAAAAAAAT MAN! :smileup: lol
i apologise for my post, over the weekend i have had a opinion changing experience with the Artec 12x (1st 1 on market) - there is a delay when u press to eject the drive of around 6-11 seconds, when it is ejecting the drive, it is incredibly slow (i believe it is an intentional design), also, it stated 12x, 12x read, 4x write so its pretty rubbish really, after all you want a decent write speed. have sent it back in replacement of an LG Dual 8x (brilliant drive).