No IDE devices recognized in boot-up

Discussion in 'General Hardware' started by peachsnowfalling, May 4, 2007.

  1. peachsnowfalling

    peachsnowfalling Geek Trainee

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    Well, I've got a new rig I finally got working. One of my last nags is the boot-up. After checking memory, it lists the IDE masters and slaves, only each one is empty. After I manually have to press F1 to continue, I get HDD0: Maxtor (etc.), the master, as well as my optical drive listed. Why won't these two devices show up as IDE masters and slaves? I've even went into the BIOS to have it auto-detect the master/slave configuration, yet it never finds the drives. Any one have any ideas? I believe I have the HD set to cable select as per someone's suggestion, with the optical as the slave. Is that incorrect?


  2. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    to use C/S (cable select) both devices on the cable MUST be set to C/S, and the difference between a C/S master & slave is then determined by the devices location on the IDE cable[ot]master = end of cable & slave = middle of cable[/ot]
  3. congounix

    congounix Geek Trainee

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    that feedback sound swell :)
    - perhaps you could try another cable, if you run 40-connector, try 80-connector (dont know the actual terms of these cables). But most of all, do make sure the jumpers are correct in place on the drives. Or you could connect each one to its own IDE channel.
  4. peachsnowfalling

    peachsnowfalling Geek Trainee

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    I'll try the above suggestion, donkey42. While I'd certainly like to try your suggestion, my motherboard only has one IDE channel! The rest are SATA, and I don't have any of the newer devices which use this connector, so I'm basically very limited in terms of what I can connect, although I have 5 5.35" expansion slots!
  5. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    • 40 pin cable = ATA/33 with a maximum transfer rate of 33mb per second (mb/s)
    • 80 pin cable = ATA/66, ATA/100 and ATA/133 with a maximu transfer rate or 66mb/s, 100mb/s & 133mb/s respectively
    have you considered a SATA to IDE convector like this
    just for testing puposes

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