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Discussion in 'Video Gaming' started by Swansen, Jul 30, 2007.

  1. Swansen

    Swansen The Ninj

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    Yeah, so i'm pretty excited, its pretty much the most ridiculous thing ever, and i'll probably loose touch with the outside world for a while, but anyways, is anyone else as stoked as i am about this.
  2. RHochstenbach

    RHochstenbach Administrator

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    I'm also very exited about it. I hope it'll be released very soon. I can't use text chat on the PS3 with a keyboard, so then I can finally chat with others and decorate my own house on HOME :)
  3. Puters21

    Puters21 Geek Trainee

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    My brother also got the same problem. He is playing all day long :) and this is a huge problem for him.
  4. randomfever

    randomfever Geek

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    I've never used it yet lol

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