I got the shock of my life this morning when I went to turn my computer on. I hit the power button and nothing happened! I had only just got up out of bed so wasn't sure if I was still sleeping off a nightmare! I hit the power button again and unfortunately once again nothing happened! I didn't really have enough time to diagnose the problem because I had to get to work but I can say it doesn't look good. A computer that doesn't power on suggests two possible problems. Either the power supply or motherboard have failed. Emachines use pretty cheap components so I'd be inclined to blame to PSU but I won't know for sure until I get a chance to look at it later. The computer was purchased new in 2004 so I am suprised it failed so early in it's life - even if it was left on all day most of the time!
Unlucky mate. Another thing id check is the IEC lead from your plug socket to the power supply it could be something as simple as a fuse (or would that be to lucky??) failing that mate then psu is probably the cause as you said. Post back and let us know hoe you went on wiv that Cheers Dave
Well, if this is the machine listed in your computer then I would suggest getting a new mobo. A socket 478(right?) motherboard would be super cheap right now, and even if that isnt your problem it would be a great upgrade. I really dislike the mobo's they use in emachines. Don't forget the possibility of static though, thats been the problem more than a few times for me in these situations. Anyway, good luck with your testing!
Thanks I didn't think about the fuse. The motherboard used in the eMachines is a budget-level Intel D845GVSR socket 478. Not exactly awe inspiring
try shorting th2 pins that the power switch plugs onto (on the mobo) if it powers on then the remote power switch it probably dead, also test it with a multimeter Edit: true, but it cheaper to test the switch first before you replace the PSU just to discover that it doesn't work either
I opened the case and I can see clearly that the motherboard is receiving power. The motherboard LED is on and an LED on an expansion board is on. However the PSU is emitting a kind of high-pitched sound which it never did before. Unfortunately I don't have a spare P4 compatible PSU to test in it's place. I am now investigating the possibility that the power switch on the case may have broke. Donkey do you mean shorting the 2 pins where the power switch cable normally goes? I put a jumper in the place of the cable to connect the two pins but nothing happened.
yeah, should have said, but, you only need to stort the two pins momentarily to switch the system on, and short for about 3 seconds to switch off, just like using the front panel remote switch i don't know what would happen if you continually shorted, however, when you initially placed the jumper on the pins it should have powered on BTW: if continually shorted i think it should come on, and because its on, it'll probably turn off after about 3 seconds & stay off BTW: strange: mobo appears powered but PSU screeches, try testing all outputs of the PSU (i did have a written list of all output voltages for my old Tagen 330)
I have eliminated the power switch as a possible cause. It worked perfectly when I tested it on another computer. I stripped the eMachines computer right down and gave it a good dusting. You would not believe just how much dust was in there! I then put back the essentials and left out the hard drives, CD-ROM drives and PCI cards. When I switched the power on the CPU fan started spinning and the power LED on the motherboard started flickering! After about 5 seconds the CPU fan suddenly stopped spinning and the power LED was then firmly on (not flickering as before). Bizarre to say the least. I have tested the PSU in a Pentium 3 computer and it worked fine. Although the Pentium 3 computer does not require as much juice as a Pentium 4. Still I am not sure the PSU is to blame. It would seem that the motherboard has died and is not getting power all the way through. I will be going to a computer shop later where hopefully they will let me test a new PSU and / or new motherboard. The story continues....
It will run for about 5 seconds.. I've done that before, not the same way... but shorted a power switch accidently while making a swank casemod. Yeah, that high pitched noise does seem to point to your power supply.
thankies, i just use a standard "boring" (like me) case @mega, sound more & more like a :swear:ed PSU, have you tested outputs BTW: what PSU is it ? and is it a socket 478 or an LGA 775:doh: 478 :doh: Edit: cos i've got an old Tagan U01 330, but i'm not sure it could handle a 775
After several hours of troubleshooting I discovered it was a motherboard failure! :x: I have now bought a new ASRock P4VM890 skt 478 motherboard which is a massive upgrade over the old Intel D845GVSR. At least now I have access to SATA and PCI-E functionality! To my surprise, my installation of Kubuntu 6.06 actually booted with the new motherboard installed! I thought I would have to re-install Kubuntu but it doesn't seem so. The new motherboard uses a VIA chipset! Noooooooooooo! But seriously all is working great now! Thanks all
so, has your opinion changed ?[ot]presumably, yes, cos your using it[/ot]BTW: hope the VIA board goes tits up, as you do, after all you've said about VIA, i can't believe your going to actually use it :doh: hows VIA now ?:doh: [ot]go on, admit it[/ot]
Things keep getting worse and worse for me! I turned on my computer today and the eMachines keyboard has stopped working! I just can't believe it! A keyboard should not really fail. There's not much that can go wrong with it after all! The number lock light flickers a few times and then nothing. The keys don't work. It's too much of a coincidence that the keyboard should fail around the same time as the motherboard! Worse still, I happened to look at the back of my computer and notice that the PSU fan was not spinning! I quickly switched off my computer and when I turned it on again the fan began to spin! It would seem that I have a dodgy PSU fan then and that may go some way to solving the cause of all of this crap. So next on the shopping list is a new keyboard and PSU. People, don't ever ever ever buy eMachines!
well, after 3, 3, AaaaWwww, no, but seriously, presumably it a PS/2 keyboard, no, can't do seriously very well BTW: i've never heard of a keyboard taking a whole system down, but i guess it must be possible, blame the VIA, i've found eMachines cheap & good with a little tweaking the keyboard taking the system down sound like something that would happen to my cursed system if in doubt, give it a clout with a BFH
Well I guess.. in an extreme case.. your PSU could have taken out your old mobo and your keyboard... I guess? I mean power supplies can be violent when they're dying so its totaly possible... I've just never heard of it happening before. As for your discrimination against via and emachines, I agree emachines are generaly not worth the money, allthough they always manage to sound like a good deal. Always build your systems yourself, all the way, that way you've thought about each individual part and you know your system fairly well before you've even built it. Saves money too. As for via I dunno, they're not that bad. They're cheap low power solutions for mass produced pc's. Also they make those really neat super small pc's.. I think I need to get one of those.
A keyboard, motherboard and power supply fan dying at the same time is too much a coincidence! It's possible the power supply and motherboard failures be connected, but I have never heard of a power supply wiping out a keyboard too! Maybe the keyboard got covered in beer too many times? Maybe it got too drunk and died from alcohol poisoning! I don't really have anything against VIA nowadays. It's more an injoke between myself and the old timers on this forum. It's funny because I always seem to end up with VIA, despite all my cries!
just a thought, have you tried the K/B on another system & trying a known working K/B because the K/B controller on the mobo could be knacked well that could kill the K/B as the sugar in the beer makes the keys sticky inside BTW: also try unplugging the K/B (obviously) and rince the K/B under the tap & put it somewhere warm to dry out for about 4 - 5 days :agree: yeah, right, we believe you NOT