very low volume on toshiba M5265

Discussion in 'Sound Cards and Speakers' started by tonylee000, Aug 16, 2007.

  1. tonylee000

    tonylee000 Geek Trainee

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    barely hear, cant make out whats being said in vod casts, audio files dvds, etc. nothings ever audible!
    can only hear when everything else is dead quite no noise anywhere and its still a strain to hear.

    updated to latest drivers, ALL volume bars up all the way.
    cant see anyway i can turn up the volume anymore.
    any tips or tricks anyone can offer?

    this wasnt a cheap laptop either, was like £1500 a couple years ago.
    Packard Bell Toshiba M5265

    is there such a things as a software amplifier?
    any help much appreciated.
  2. sciroccosven

    sciroccosven Geek Trainee

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    Just out of curiosity, have you tried putting on a pair of headphones or external speakers to check your volumes. If your card is running properly it should post the appropriate volume through the output jack. That might help you narrow down you problems.

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