IE7 downloads freeze laptop

Discussion in 'General Software' started by betsy, Nov 8, 2007.

  1. betsy

    betsy Geek Trainee

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    Hi guys,

    Can anyone tell me why my laptop completley freezes up when I try and download anything through IE7.
    I get the download pop up window that shows the progress and after a few minutes the whole lot locks up.

    Also, I have tried Firefox but when I am browsing the entire page jumps up and down. Any ideas?
  2. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    basically no, as i don't use Windoze & i highly recommend aganst the use of IE (any version)

    have you tried using a download manager to eliminate IE7 from the equation ?, & you've tried FF but have you tried Opera, Opera also has a built in download manager like FF but it also has a built in mail client (to send & receive emails)
  3. Ghostman 1

    Ghostman 1 Mega Geek

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    Sounds like a Virus to me, Better run your AntiVirus and spyware program to see if you have anything. Also Firefox has its Own download manager as well.
    You can also get a firefox extension called (download them all ) This works real good, This is what I use. Also you could try SeaMonkey Browser. I have too agree with donkey42, I never use IE at all either..
  4. edijs

    edijs Programmer

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  5. Tech

    Tech Padawan

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    Same here. IE is possibly one of the most dangerous pieces of software in widespread use today!
  6. betsy

    betsy Geek Trainee

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    Thanks for all of the replies.

    Maybe if I give you a bit more info you can give me some more advice.
    I am running a fresh install of XP, I have an Anti Virus program installed so I would be very suprised if I have a virus already.

    As my first point of call I downloaded Firefox but when I open my home page I get the screen but it jumps up and down constantly so I was forced to use IE7 not through choice.

    In addition to this, last night I tried it out again and the laptop froze up 3 times just after the start up programs were launched. I had to reboot and then it settled down.

    I also downloaded iTunes from my PC and transfered it by disk to my laptop, it got half way through installing and it froze again.

    Lastly, now and again. If I unplug the laptop from the mains to transfer it to another room the screen goes blank, it gives out about 5 short beeps and powers down.

    Could all of this be linked?
  7. Ghostman 1

    Ghostman 1 Mega Geek

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    It sounds like your battery is going out. You should give it a full charge and then see what happens. If that does not do it, then try it without the battery and just try the AC adapter..
  8. betsy

    betsy Geek Trainee

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    Hi again Ghostman. Really something as simple as that?

    You will all be gald to know that I am now using Opera! I did a full virus and spyware scan and it all came out clean.

    Is there any software I can rum to give me any diagnostics to test the battery or any other hardware that may be faulty?
  9. betsy

    betsy Geek Trainee

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    Ok just a quick update. I tried what you said. I tried it with just the battery, no luck. Then I tried it with just the AC adapter, same outcome.

    I have noticed that now it has stopped turning itself off and giving off the alarm, it just keeps freezing and it can be at anytime not just whilst on the internet. Its really bugging me now!!!!
  10. Ghostman 1

    Ghostman 1 Mega Geek

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    You mean it won't power on, just with the AC adapter ? If not then there something wrong with your charger and maybe the battery..
    It should power up without the battery,just by using the AC/power cord.
    Did you try and charge the battery too see if that would make a difference.
    Also look on the battery for a reset button..
  11. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    Do you have this issue when running the laptop off a wall socket?
    Are any exhaust areas blocked?
    How hot does it feel?
  12. betsy

    betsy Geek Trainee

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    Ghostman-No I couldn't get it to boot from just the AC adapter, it powered on but the screen remained blank. This is the same laptop you were helping me with before. The battery was fully charged when I tried it.

    Big B - This was my next port of call. It doesn't feel hot but I installed some diagnostics software. Its running at 57˚, I don't know a lot but that seems rather warm!
    Also, it has a 1.7ghz processor and I noticed it was running at 1703 instead of 1700, is this normal or could it be down to the heat?
  13. betsy

    betsy Geek Trainee

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    Ok, I opened it up a while ago and removed the cover from the fan. I found about an inch of dust blocking the air intake. I've cleaned this out and also cleaned the dust off the fan blades.
    Rebooted it with no problems (running at 46˚C) and then launched Opera, still no problems. Started to download iTunes as this has always made it freeze up in the past, the temperature shot up to 57˚C but as quick as it went up it went back down to 46˚C. The download completed without shutting down!!! All the time the temperature was fluctuating between 46˚C and 54˚C. As soon as it reached the highest temperature I heard the fan kick in again.

    So hopefully this was the only problem. I would still like an opinion on the processor speed though. I noticed today it was running at 1708 instead of 1700.

    I will give it some harder work to do tonight and monitor the temperature and report back.
  14. betsy

    betsy Geek Trainee

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    Just when I thought it seemed to be going ok it all goes pear shaped!
    Today I was downloading, streaming video from the internet and converting MP3's in iTunes when it all froze up again.
    I restarted it to find the CPU was up to 62˚. I could hear the fan but it doesn't seem to be working hard enough.

    Any ideas? Could it be possibly in need of a new fan?

    That leads on to my next question, are laptop fans universal or make specific?

    Should this now be in the cooling section?
  15. Ferg

    Ferg Manbearpig

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    Sometimes you can breathe new life into old fans by lubricating them (you can usually take a little sticker of the front of them to reveal a small spindle with a crimp holding everything together, a dab of synthetic oil (I've actually used olive oil once in an emergency) can get them working again - at least extending their life by a year in some cases. If this doesn't do anything then maybe a fan upgrade would be useful. Make note of the exact fan dimensions next time you see it to make sure you get the right replacement.
  16. betsy

    betsy Geek Trainee

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    Well I'll certainly give it a go. Do you know if WD-40 would be suitable?
  17. Ferg

    Ferg Manbearpig

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    no, you don't want to be spraying something like that all over you fan - very flamable too - it needs to be heavier. You can actually buy special lubricant for electronic goods but just a small drip of engine oil has always seen me right.
  18. betsy

    betsy Geek Trainee

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    Hi. I tried that with no luck. I have now intalled 2gigs of RAM and I am about to undertake a CPU upgrade (following some advice ).

    Only thing I can think of now is some lose connections. If I leave the laptop on a flat cold surface it works fine. As soon as even pick it up it freezes. I have also order a notebook cooler to see if this makes any improvement.
  19. zxivate

    zxivate Geek Trainee

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    I think you may need a some newer better fans because if it was working when the dust was removed a little better, it is probably over heating, so try getting some new fans

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