CPU Suggestions

Discussion in 'CPU, Motherboards and Memory' started by SMB, Nov 23, 2007.

  1. SMB

    SMB Geek Trainee

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    Well, im building a new Rig, and as of now, i dont have ALOT of money, but just enough to get a decent CPU. Well, now im at the Hard part: Which one? im not looking for anything More than $400 at the moment, because i plan on getting a new one after Xmas. Any Ideas? ive looked at a few of them, and realized, it would be easier if some one smarter than I were to do it, lol.

    Note: Ill be using this Rig for Long hours of gaming, and i would like if would be able to run crysis.
  2. PlugComputers

    PlugComputers Geek Trainee

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    With a budget of $400 I think you could get something that would last you fairly long, with the power and performance you would need to run Crysis.

    First off you have to consider AMD or Intel, and right now I would recommend Intel. Their processors are just running faster than AMD's.

    I would recommend either the Intel Core 2 Duo E6700 which you can probably pick up for about about $315. At 2.67Ghz, dual core, this processor would run about anything out there. Nice feature about the Core 2 Duo Processors is the ability to overclock. I'm sure you could get this up to 2.8 range easily with proper settings and cooling.

    Just a suggestion, if you're planning on using the rig for long hours of gaming, don't skimp on the cooling. You may want to pick up some high performance fans. Nothing more annoying during gaming than the high pitch squeal of cheap fans. Better, quieter cooling is definitely worth it, especially if you're going to be working your system for long periods of time.

    I hope I helped, can't go wrong with the Intel Core 2 Duo's.
  3. yorkkev28

    yorkkev28 HWF Minion

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    Well i'll just throw my tupence worth in. $400 throws the net pretty wide. Im gonna go with Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 3.00GHz (Retail 775) - Aria Technology

    Price converts to $329.21 dollars

    Erm the price doesn't convert to $329.21 dollars as u don't need to pay VAT.

    $280.17 dollars. Plus maybe 6% sales tax.
  4. randomfever

    randomfever Geek

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    $400 is PLENTY for a CPU, lol.
  5. rockaway

    rockaway Guest


    When You have a fixed budget and on the lookout for something on the web that suits the budget you just got to go to one place and that is e-bay.At $400 you will be opened to a wide range of options.Just place your queries there.
  6. randomfever

    randomfever Geek

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    I would not recommend eBay at all. All my experiences with them have resulted in hassle, trouble, loss of money. I just wouldn't recommend that move at all.

    Newegg or Tigerdirect is where it's at. $400 is plenty to spend on a CPU and you should be able to find a good one at your range.
  7. SMB

    SMB Geek Trainee

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    PlugComputers, if you can give me a link as to where i can find the cheapest one, ill probably take it. 2.6 GHz is plenty, as where the 3.0 GHz... i dont like conversions and buying things from other places outside the U.S. but for now, ill be goinf with the E6700
  8. PlugComputers

    PlugComputers Geek Trainee

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  9. SMB

    SMB Geek Trainee

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    thank you very much
  10. PlugComputers

    PlugComputers Geek Trainee

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    Not a problem :) Have another other questions just let me know.
  11. OnStock

    OnStock Geek Trainee

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    You are wrong at this point. There is no such hardware which can make crysis run smoothly on high settings. Even 8800 Ultra SLI and C2D Q6850 @ 3.8 ghz struggles to push out more than 25 fps on highest settings so far.

    P.S. Don't get E6700, get E6750 (1333 mhz FSB), but you will need a mobo which supports 1333 mhz FSB
  12. PlugComputers

    PlugComputers Geek Trainee

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    Yes, it is true very few systems can run Crysis on the highest settings possible, but for this budget the E6700 would run the game on a moderate setting. Check this article out:

    Crysis Hardware Performance Guide - Features at GameSpot

    They're using a E6600 (slower), 320MB 8800GTS, 2 GB RAM and getting 25fps on a moderate resolution, set at high quality.

    This game would kill you if you wanted to run everything flat out, it must be something the everyday user play at moderate settings.
  13. zxivate

    zxivate Geek Trainee

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    get the e6750 and overclock it to around 3 ghz

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