WTF, weird computer issue! Help

Discussion in 'General Hardware' started by Celtzer, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Celtzer

    Celtzer Geek Trainee

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    My friend just assembled his new motherboard and CPU. His CPU is a Q6600 2.4 quad, and his mobo is a Aserrock board that supports both AGP, and PCI Express, he got it because of his AGP video card. I examined his computer today at lunch and everything looked to be plugged up right, besides the power to his video card(Leadtek 6800gt 256mb). He told me that it made a constant beeping noise when he turned it on, so I plugged in the power to the video card, and all the jumpers etc. looked to be in place correctly. I finally got it turned on and I had no beeping noise, but nothing happened, the computer just sat there and ran, but nothing came on the screen or booted or anything, no beeps.. nothing. Then, his computer just shut down after 2 minutes... ( I also had a real hard time turning it on, took me about 6 or so tries, and it finally flickered on ). We're lost.. we are no computer guru's please help masterful computer techs! Thanks.

    His Specs:
    500W PSU
    Q6600 Quad Core CPU 2.4ghz
    1024mb of DDR1 (the mobo supports it)
    some IDE Western Digital HD
  2. mobile

    mobile Geek Trainee

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    What is the motherboard? Asrock.....?
    anyways, disconnect the CD Rom, DVD and Floppy from inside the case then try it again.
    also what is the make of the PSU? and what is the amperage output of it? even though you have said its a 500watt PSU that doenst really mean anything, you need to know the amps it outputs.
    do what i have recommended first disconnect the stuff and only run the graphics card and hard drive. if you have more than one hard drive disconnect the other one too.
    it could either be the PSU not being powerful enough, or something shorting out your pc eg flooppy, CD rom etc, or the graphics card is not correct for this motherboard. i suspect that your psu isnt powerful enough..
  3. gazaway

    gazaway Geek Trainee

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    I doubt that the AGP card is more power hungry that 500W. More than likely what it is would be in the BIOS. I'm guessing this is a ASROCK Conroe Or Vista SATA 2 as I think those are the pci-e and AGP mobos. Clear your CMOS on the board and boot up the PC. Make sure that the video is set for the AGP slot and that your buddy also has the DDR in the DD1 slots, not the DDR2. With these step boards it can be tricky as there are alot of different low budget options, so there are multiple outputs.
  4. Celtzer

    Celtzer Geek Trainee

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    Thank you for the replies guys, I took the battery out of the mobo gazaway to reset cmos, and the ram is in the DDR1 slots... and the vid card in the AGP... but still no posting when i boot it up. Its a 4CoreDual-SATA2 mobo(thats the exact model name). I unplugged everything that wasnt neccesairy, and kept the HD, and Vid card plugged up... bah and still no luck.. something is fishy.
  5. allendehl

    allendehl Geek Trainee

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    Unplug everything...just leave the mobo connected to the psu with no video card and no memory...Turn it on and check if it starts beeping. If not, then your problem is either in the mobo or the processor.
    If it beeps(large beeps). then connect only the memory and turn it on again. If should now beep with a different sequence, indicating the video card is missing(if is hasn't one on-board).
    At this point you will now the problem is not in the mobo+processor+memory.
  6. Celtzer

    Celtzer Geek Trainee

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    Thanks allendehl, we will try that... made me happy to read that, ill let you know our results.
  7. Celtzer

    Celtzer Geek Trainee

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    Ok, but how can you tell if its not the CPU, i think we've narrowed it down to not being the video card, nor hard drive(because you can hear it spin when we get it turned on), also the mobo has a onboard video.. or atleast we think it is,... its the size of an AGP plug up, but the "so-called" on board video has pins instead of female connectors for your male monitor cord.. so I am not sure if its onboard video or not. We turned it on like you said with everything unplugged besides the mobo to the psu, and no beeps..hmm?

    P.S. this mobo supports PCI, PCIE, and AGP slots... so my friend bought some 256mb PCI card from walmart to test out if maybe just his AGP slot was messed up, and he put the card in the PCI slot booted it up.. same result... nothing, (just throwing more info out there that might help you narrow it down, thanks again)
  8. allendehl

    allendehl Geek Trainee

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    Wow..that's not good at all.

    First of all, the connector you are talking about is not a video connector, it is a RS232 serial port. That MB doesn't has any on-board video then.

    The thing now is that you seem to have a problem in either the MB or the CPU. The way of find it it out is trying with another CPU and MB...
    At least that is my impression....Other people here could bring new ideas on how to pinpoint the exact problem.

    good luck
  9. melek76

    melek76 Geek Trainee

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    I was having the same problem...

    I solved the no agp video problem, by unplugging everything, and plugging in each thing one at a time. I started by only having the CPU in, then booted. I was surprised to hear the post beep at me due to no ram.

    Then plugged in the ram ( beeped for no video ), then the video then the hard drive/dvd. I am wondering if it was set to pci-express by default.

    Works now though.
  10. thoonie

    thoonie hmmm....

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    Hi Celtzer, can you also state the excat model of the ASRock mobo.
  11. Celtzer

    Celtzer Geek Trainee

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    It's a ASROCK 4COREDUAL-SATA2 PT880 775, thoonie
  12. cube_

    cube_ Mega Geek

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    Well i had a similiar problem recently and i figured out what the problem was. My power supply 4-pin connector, aside from the 24 connector, wasnt connected (stupid me). But then when i did connect it, it still didn't work. It ONLY WORKED after i reset my CMOS. Basically... to me, THIS SOUNDS LIKE THE CPU ISNT POWERING UP.

    My suggestions... First... disconnect everything besides the RAM, PSU, Hard Drive, and Graphics Card. Make sure the CPU fan is properly installed and isnt fidgeting out of place. Make sure you connect the 4-pin connector and the 20-pin connector.

    FINAL STEP: after all of the above are connected, take the CMOS battery out for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds push it back in and start up your computer.

    Hope this helps as it did for me. If not, it could be the power supply or worse, the motherboard or cpu as these are costly :(
  13. Celtzer

    Celtzer Geek Trainee

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    All of you helped big time, but we just ended up RMAing the mobo.. and got a new one, and now it works.. yay

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