Cable tidies & cross talk

Discussion in 'General Hardware' started by RichardB, Jan 11, 2008.

  1. RichardB

    RichardB Geek Trainee

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    I want (excuse me I'll re-phrase that) My wife wants to tidy up the living room which will include moving all the electronics.
    We have so many cables, for the stereo with 2 speakers, T.V. & recorder.
    PC with these external units.
    1)external sound card with 6 speakers,.
    2)extra external hard drive.
    4)unit to receive wireless keyboard signal.
    5)2 printers
    Plus telephone & 2 Belkin surge protectors.
    I will have to bundle some of these cables together. To avoid cross talk/interference,which cables should I avoid putting together & do any need extra insulation?
  2. la1

    la1 Geek Trainee

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    all the cables are fairly scheilded. The speakers might if any. You know how they have the spark plug wires in your car. They don not just lay next to each other as they go to the plugs. The wires are criss crossed with each other. You may want to try something like that.
  3. DJ

    DJ Geek Trainee

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    My main two pieces of advice would be:
    1. Keep power cables away from data cables. The main source of noise will probably be from the power cables when you turn your equipment on and off.
    2. Try to run the cables in straight lines as coiled cables can generate noise and also heat up.
  4. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    yep, also consider using ferrite rings on data cables at the computer end of the cable, ferrite rings basically absorb any electrons floating around (if my stupid memory is correct)

    ferrite rings look like this
    however, the cable will transmit cleaner data if you loop the wire through the ferrite ring about 2 to 3 times like this
    but that is not always possible

    you can also get clip-on ferrite filters

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