Belkin Bluetooth USB Adapter trouble

Discussion in 'Networking and Computer Security' started by Mofrait, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. Mofrait

    Mofrait Geek Trainee

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    I bought this adapter for my bluetooth Wacom tablet (both 2.0). I've gone through the software/driver installation process many times, using different versions and double checking that each had no problems installing. So the problem is: it will not detect my USB adapter. When I plug it in it tells me the hardware did not install properly. I have no leads and haven't found anything off google.

    Anyone have and idea?

  2. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    it probaly has the USB controller disabled in the BIOS or either the USB device doesn't work or one of your USB ports is dead, have you tried a different USB port, obviously if you have more
  3. Mofrait

    Mofrait Geek Trainee

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    Yes I have, in all 6 different ports. If the USB controller was disabled in the BIOS, would that mean the USB port itself is disabled, or the Belkin devise is disabled?

    I'll take a look and let you know what I see, thanks donkey.
  4. Mofrait

    Mofrait Geek Trainee

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    I checked the controller and it was eneabled. I enabled the USB legacy to see if that might help, but no luck. (it was auto before):x:
  5. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    yeah, USB Legacy devices enables stuff like USB keyboards & possibly mice :unsure: but definitely keyboards

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