OK, I just put together a new PC. I am a daytrader so this isn't a gaming PC or whatever, it just basicly needs to be relativley fast, and push 6 LCD's. So I combined a NForce 780 SLI motherboard, 3 Nvidia 8600GT video cards, a 3.0Ghz Core 2, and 4GB of Crucial RAM. Now the PC runs great, my problem is in the resolution... or lack therof. I have 6 Samsung 204BW Widescreen LCD's (20" ?). Anyway, their native resolution is 1680 X 1050. But The problem is that I think at least I'm pushing some limit of either Vista or the NVidia cards. I suspect the latter so that's why I'm posting here. Right now I have them all running @ 1280 X 960. That's the only way I can keep them all at the same resolution. When I go to 1680 X 1050 5 monitors will display that resolution, the 6th one drops off (or down) to 1280 X 1024. I'd like them all to run @ 1680 X 1050 without having to drop back down to XP. Any solutions here? Thanks in advance. EDIT: Oh yeah, the cards are NOT SLI'd or anything, just a regular config.
I can't tell you why, as I've never made a six monitor setup. However, I notice that your number two monitor options are automatically checked, but six isn't and I'm guessing four isn't. Might find out why, but idk, just throwing it out there.
That's because it's my primary monitor. It would look the same way on number 5 or 1 if I set them to primary.
Oh, I figured you'd have 1 as your primary lol. Are you actually using six monitors on this setup? If you don't mind me asking, what's the reason of that?
As stated in post 1 I am a daytrader, so charting applications, order entry platforms, a Reuters terminal and a bunch of stuff need to be open and available for me to glance at without having to cycle through windows. Plus it looks cool