Question of Value

Discussion in 'Networking and Computer Security' started by jb3822, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. jb3822

    jb3822 Geek Trainee

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    Hello Hardware Forums! I hope your combined expertise can help me out on a spot I'm in. I have recently come across some networking equipment from a defunct business, and I am curious to what I have in my hands. Would you all be able to give me a ballpark value for these items? I'm hoping that they're not junk, but if so, that would be welcome news too so I can clean the space. Thanks for your help!

    Here's the specs:

    US Robotics Total Control Enterprise Network Hub used
    The boards inside are
    • NETserver PRI Card
    • Network Mgt. Card
    • AC PSU 70A x2
    • Quad V.34 Digital Modem x6
    • Dual PRI NAC

    CELLplex 7000 by 3COM used
    The boards inside are
    • CP 7000 HD Switch 32x32
    • 7600 Fast Ethernet I/F Card x2
    These have both completed a power on test.

    Also, in new condition (in static packaging)
    PA-24PRTB-A x2 by NEC Electronics

    I appreciate any help that you can provide!


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  2. la1

    la1 Geek Trainee

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    It is something that I am really not to famillar with and may have other models. The us robotics total control may be as high as $1500 and the 3com maybe about $500... having said that, like I said there are different models and options + may be old technology that might not be in use. Try going to the web site of the manufacturers, i don't think 3com is in business anymore, they merged with US robotics.
  3. Pimp

    Pimp Captain of USS Defiant

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    That thing is huge and well old
  4. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    The US Robotics Total Control seems to be fetching $150. Additionally, I found a review done in 1997.

    For the 3Com CELLplex, it looks like $250-300 would about the most it would be. As with the Total Control, a review dated in 1997 popped up.

    The NEC PA-24PRTB-A cards seem to be asking at least $600 each, but I've seen them also asking close to $1,500.
  5. jb3822

    jb3822 Geek Trainee

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    Thanks very much for your help everyone! Now I just need to find a buyer...
  6. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    You could probably sell them on the Antiques road show :D

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