can anyone suggest a good mother board to go with amd 4400+ cpu and ati3850hd?oh and about the price if possible somewhere between 70-80$
Asus A8N32-SLI would be the best choice, but, it's out of your price range, at about $150 - $190 ish (depending where yo buy it) could you possibly double your budget ? because, you (presumably already have the AMD 4400+) Source and you would be wasting performance by using a lesser motherboard
Why is it in dollars surely you want it in pound sterling seen as you come from UK? What socket motherboard do you require AM2 or 939????? o well i have suggested a socket AM2 motherboard that's really good and nicely priced too. Gigabyte AM2 790X DDR2 ATX
Get a AM2+ instead of a AM2 board for better upgradibility. Gigabyte makes a good little board for around that price. GA-MA770-DS3
Yea I know I was just making sure he got a AM2+ this late in the game for better support. Plus that Gigabyte makes a lower cost board in his price range.
Ok abit fatality is really good mobo but it seems to me your pimpin a site but i hope I'm wrong hmmmmmmm :dry:
ok,i thought about buying a GIGABYTE m61s but i read it runs pci at apparently there isnt a around 70$ mobo?