Other than hardwareforums, -Debian Package of the day [its not daily anymore, they don't have enough submissions] -Slashdot -Hackaday -Digg and a few random blogs i keep an eye on: -0 x 000000 -linuxhaxor -irongeek what do you read hwf?
BBC NEWS | News Front Page N4G.com : All the latest game news Mess with Windows Live and MSN Messenger: download free msn animated emoticons, names, etc. Google News
HWF/Zone365 MAHQ/MechaTalk PC Perspective [H]ard|OCP 2CPU, Tech Report and Anandtech sometimes as well.
Mac Rumors The Daily WTF Digg WoWWiki - checking articles and various info bits I have a few more that I check, but no necessarily read for stories / posts etc.