Messenger 8.5 Help Please

Discussion in 'General Software' started by ashmehta, Jun 15, 2008.

  1. ashmehta

    ashmehta Geek Trainee

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    Hi, i did have messenger 7.5 but have now been advised to installed the latest version 8.5. I must have tried so many websites but i keep getting this message

    " Windows live installation can not be completed.

    Make sure your computer is not running is safe mode, and that it has Windows Installer 3.1, or later then try again. To get the latest version of Windows Installer, go to the Windows Update Website and install all critical updates."

    I have tried all day to install this but have failed.

    Please help. Thank You . Ash
  2. Dwarfer

    Dwarfer Guest

    did you goto the windows update website? - it needs the propper updates.
    Microsoft Windows Update

    some programs are the same, media player 11 wont install unless you have SP2 installed
  3. ashmehta

    ashmehta Geek Trainee

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    yes i see it now. why is\it you have to go to the windows website on the 8.5 version you have ti install updates and you don't have to with the 7.5
  4. Dwarfer

    Dwarfer Guest

    as it says, it needs Windows Installer 3.1 most likely a security thing saves bandwidth if they dont include it with messenger as they assume you already have it

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