Links Change A Lot, [Alternate Question]

Discussion in 'Web Design & Programming' started by m60dude5, Jun 30, 2008.

  1. m60dude5

    m60dude5 Geek Trainee

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    I am trying to find the best way to update an intranet when links throughout the site change frequently. I have about 200 pages, html, that have some links to files on the server. The problem is, if any of those files are moved, renamed, etc, I have to go back and update every page it is linked from.
    I know that if a link changes, I'll have to update it. However, I want to make that as simple as possible. I'm not sure how to go about this. I was thinking some sort of "reference page" that holds all the link locations. That way, I could link to that page from all the other pages, and then if a link changes, I just update it once on that reference page.
    Thanks for any help, any ideas?
  2. lilgurn

    lilgurn Geek Trainee

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    The best thing i find is to use an include either by javascript or php to the a file which has the link in. Another way is to include a page with lots of variables, each one with a link stored in a variable. Then you've only got to change this one page.

    The code if your pages are php is:

    <? include('filenamehere.php') ?>
  3. m60dude5

    m60dude5 Geek Trainee

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    Thanks for the reply. I eventually used one main page, with all the links, each one with an anchor. I then displayed an iframe, that only displayed that line. It works well, even though I know PHP would have been better. I was trying to keep this an HTML only site. Thanks for your help though, I appreciate it.

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