Okay so, first of all, I am a gamer. I have 3 computers, only which 1 is good. My main computer is connected to my router, obviously, and so is the one next to it. I am down the hallway on the wireless computer. I have DSL. Anyways, there is no difference between the two that are connected to the ethernet, I assume. Here's the problem: When I am in a server on this wireless computer, my ping for example will be a steady 50 or so, and I know that it won't be exact just because I'm on the same network, but on the ethernet computer, in the same server, I get about 70. It NEVER gets lower than the wireless computer, which I assumed it would ping a lot better. My question is, why, and what can I do to fix this? Can the specifications of the computer affect it? Neither of them are full of software, they are both relatively fast, etc. Why is an ethernet-connected PC pinging better than a wireless?
correct, a cable is a direct and stable path, a wireless signal has to acctually go threw walls ect and parts of the signal can me reflected and be corupted, there for the signal would be slower then a direct and fast path for the cable.
Just for reference, you could try a draft n router for faster speeds, but it'll still be slower than ethernet.
I would advise against a draft n router, as the name says it, it is only a draft, they don't know if it will be finallized, stick with a cable, imo.