Gateway heat problems

Discussion in 'Overclocking & Cooling' started by Googfan, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. Googfan

    Googfan Geek Trainee

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    I have a gateway MX6433 laptop,
    AMD Turion 1.63Ghz;
    1.00 GB Ram;
    32 MB Video;
    WinVista Ultimate;

    --It has major heat issues. Normally the core runs at 189*F at full use it runs at 210*F. I keep the acess panel off to help the issue. The hard drive is fine at 100*F. However you can still cook an egg on the heatpipes. Its also roasting my nuts.:x:

    What i do when gaming is put it on a frozen ceramic floor tile but this isnt very convienent.
  2. ShrimpBrime

    ShrimpBrime Geek Trainee

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