Hi guys. I just got my e8400 C0 from Newegg. Batch Q815. On the box it says vID 1.25v. I've seen some boxes with 1.225v. Is higher.. worse? I've done some reading but I can't figure out if the VID is the mininum voltage to make it run at 3.0ghz stable or if it's actually the maximum voltage for this particular batch. If it is the minimum... does that mean (in theory) that I'll need more voltage than another CPU with VID 1.1225 to reach the same clock speed if I OC it? Thanks! edit: It says 1.25v MAX on the box. Yet to check it with Coretemp.
Nah. Those voltages are normal operating specs. You have no need to worry. More voltage at the same clock speed will only raise temps Very slightly if at all.