USB port problem!

Discussion in 'Printers, Scanners and Digital Cameras' started by Katherine, Nov 7, 2008.

  1. Katherine

    Katherine Geek Trainee

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    Hi I just wondered if anyone could help me! Recently it seems that when I put my Camera memory card into the front of the hard drive in to the usb port it no longer automatically loads!?! It previously use to do this fine - Im unsure as to why and have tried looking through different help fields and have had no luck! The problem is I dont know how to make it do it automatically again..

    It works absolutely fine if you use the conection cable with the camera but not with the card itself!

    Thanks in advance


    Im not great at computers either so hope you can understand my incompetance!!!!
  2. Ghostman 1

    Ghostman 1 Mega Geek

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    Need more info Please >>> What kind of computer ? Need Make and Model..
    It sounds like you just need that driver reinstalled...
  3. eranga262154

    eranga262154 Geek Trainee

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    I'm not clear what you are talking about lol. You say that once you plug the memory card into USB it want automatically open? Or that your USB port is not working. Need more information here.

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