Monsanto, as you saw makes roundup, which turns out is a really bad pesticide (as if there are good ones). Its about them destroying this community, killing most of its inhabitants, them lieing to the people about the effects of PCBs and other chemicals, as well as genetically engineered seeds, and then the government and FDA not doing anything about it, while they know what Monsanto is doing.... its horrible. They have basically infected the world with PCBs, which among other things, causes cancer, as in, they are the reason for the rise in cancer over the years. PCBs mess with your DNA and cells normal functions so when the divide, they don't do it correctly, causing cancer... messed up.
I honestly couldn't bring my self to watch the whole thing anyways i just wanted to add what about all the additives, coloring and preservatives we put in our food??? they all contain chemicals that only god knows what it does to our bodies.
Additives are actually closely monitored, and even a simple dye has to undergo extreme scrutiny before it is allowed. GMO's on the other hand are treated EXACTLY like their untainted counterparts, which is why people are so concerned. For instance, a genetically modified soy bean is treated by the FDA exactly as a natural one would be.
Its all really messed up, my mom, for instance, is constantly on some health kick, which usually involves various manufactured products via there low calorie and far content. I worry, like she frowns on eating natural butter on stuff, but we hardly ever have it, and fake butter.... just can't be good for you, and we went through so much stuff with artificial sweeteners, and she is obsessed with Splenda.... craziness, using natural ingredients is MUCH healthier in my opinion.
Well over here we have loads of products that call them selves butter but they are made from oils like sunflower and other seeds over here it actually has to state it's 100% British butter for it to be made from cows milk lol madness, a lot of brands say they are butter but in fact they're not. If I'm not mistaken Splenda is made from aspartame which is linked to brain tumors and other cancers eek and research has showed if you eat brown sugar as part of your natural diet is much better for people then taken Splenda especially those who suffer from diabetes
Actually I believe that Splenda isn't a sugar substitute in the sense of a chemical alternative like aspartame, so its not like Equal or Sweet & Low.
Oh yeah, there is a shrub and its leaf extracts are used as a sweetener (Stevia), its been used in Japan and a Brazil for a long time now. Its not completely sure whether or not its 100% safe, but the Japanese have been using it for decades now. I dunno, ether way, i like this option better than artificial sweeteners... but still prefer sugar. A final note on GMOs and artificial whatever, i believe that one day, things we make will be better than whats naturally available, but companies need to not be so greedy, and we obviously need to get over some technological barriers.
My mums has been a periodontist for quite a long time know. She has always said to stay away from sweetners because they are worse for your teeth than sugar. You get more plaque than if you use sugar and plaque has now been linked to heart disease.(the plaque soaks into your system through your gums) I suppose stick to the fructose sugar you cannow get if you want to keep your calories down. Though ive got a harsh attitude towards diet. What you eat is only half of it. You eat to fuel your body. If you dont use your fuel dont eat! No-one needs chocolate, fizzy drinks, three course meals. Ive never bothered with any of it.
Theortically true im sure but we are natural living creatures that has only been subjected to all this crap in food for a very short period of time. For thousands of years we have eaten small amounts of veg, nuts, roots etc then in the last few hundred years we have been eating food that is not from our native land, grapes on christmas day and winter veg in the summer. Meat everyday!! In small quantities too. Basically an eating lifestyle we have not eveolved into. Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, heart attacks... to name a few are imo are a direct result. All food, even "organic" food is full of contaminates as far as our bodies are concerned. It has to be if our soil, air and water are full of crap. Carbon from buring fuels in the top layers of our earth, chloride and pollution in general in our water and our air is oviously shite. Even if we do create a sustainable and "healthy" food chain I dont think it will work because I believe we need to evolve into the new food chain as it creates itself and not as we create it. Eating food in season, as much fish as you can bear and at least 70% veg and nuts is the way to go. Then once a month eat a pig or summit!