Hi, I don't know much about laptops so I throw my self at your mercy, and ask the following:- My wife asked for a Laptop for Christmas. She said just to email her friends and surf the web. I looked around and decided on a Toshiba L300-1BWT1600 from Tesco's at what I thought was a reasonable price of £329. My wife now asks if she will be able to play games on the laptop. The spec doesn't show any graphics card, so does this mean she will not be able to use the laptop to play games? Thank you to anyone who can advise me on this.
I looked around and couldn't find the laptop listed on toshiba.com. Regardless, in my experience, if they do not list any specs for a video card, it means it has a very basic one (ie: intel graphics). What kind of games is she trying to play? If she is going to play flash games or other simple games (like Bejeweled), this will not be a problem. If she wants to play Crisis, it is not the computer for her.
Thanks for getting back to me. I found the spec for the machine at Toshiba - Satellite L300-1BW and you are correct the graphics are quoted as :- manufacturer : Intel® type : Mobile Intel® GMA 4500M memory : up to 1,340 MB total available graphics memory with 3 GB system memory memory type : shared My wife will mainly be playing the type of games like Bejeweled, but she did say that she would like to get the new tomb raider game. I suppose if all else fails, she will have to use my desktop for game playing. Thanks Again for your help, Brian
Generally, most laptops out there are not designed for high-end gaming, so if you're looking at stuff in the action or FPS genre, you're more likely to see an issue with running them on the average laptop. You'd have to reference the specific game to see if it supports the chip. Some may very well run, but you shouldn't expect higher resolutions.