New System Problem

Discussion in 'CPU, Motherboards and Memory' started by isayso316, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. isayso316

    isayso316 Geek Trainee

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    1- 80 GB WD Sata HDD
    1-1TB Hitatchi SATA HDD
    AMD Phenom x4 black. 2.3
    Zoltek NFORCE 750a MOBO

    I only had one WD 80 GB SATA drive plugged in when I installed vista. After a few hours of playing around I decided to shut down and plug in my Hitachi 1 TB drive and my 60gb IDE drive at the same time. When I restarted my computer wouldn't even load the bios. Sometimes vista will start but when it does none of the USB devices or onboard devices work. Then it blue screens out. Does the same with all devices and peripherials unplugged. ESD maybe? Any other ideas?
  2. Dartht33bagger

    Dartht33bagger Geek Trainee

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    So does it still work fine without the 1 TB plugged in?
  3. isayso316

    isayso316 Geek Trainee

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    no. it doesn't bring up anything with all sata cables unplugged. my monitor doesn't even receive a signal. and my bios never beeps. 1 out of 30 times it will work and bring up windows, but none of my usb or network connections work. within a minute it blue screens dead.
  4. BoBBYI986

    BoBBYI986 Geek

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    I can understand when you load windows your LAN doesn't work because you gotta install the drivers for it. but your USB doesn't work, windows vista already has those drivers pre-installed so they shud work. And also you cant post into bios takes atleast 30 attemps is crazy. I would RMA the board, sound like its faulty
  5. isayso316

    isayso316 Geek Trainee

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    Yep. Already had the ethernet drivers loaded and working before the whole ordeal. I RMA'd it this morning. Thanks for the help.

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