For those who missed it, wife=preggo, and we're late in the game. At this point, we're having weekly doctor visits and ultrascans. So we go in today. It's 35 weeks, 5 days, so the end is in sight. They do some strep test and check how she's doing downstairs and let her get dressed. Doctor comes in and asks what we think about doing the birth next week. We're kinda like "Uh, okay." We know it's going to happen anyway, but we weren't expecting it for another appointment or two. Anyway, we're going to go in next Tuesday at 9PM (WTF? I don't know, but whatever.), but it goes well with my work schedule and allows me to have 9 days (5 days of + my regular days off at both ends.
thinking about it, i do remember summert about it, anyway congrats man BTW: hope everything comes out aright, so to speak, good luck xxx
WOW, man you move fast! You only moved in together.... :chk: All the best to you, mother and child. Hope it all goes well. Take it from me - stay near the top part during labour! Hold her hand, grimace as she squeeze your hand to a pulp and repeat: "Yes love, of course love, I will never touch you with that again love...." :chk: Suggested name: Boy - Henry William Franklin Girl - Hariet Winifred Flanders OK, I will stop now...
Congratulations B, best of health to the baby. Having kids, as I'm sure parents will testify, will change everything in your life.
Yup, it sure is a big change, but a welcomed one. When I get off tomorrow, I'll crack open a brew and go to bed, then get up and go to the hospital. I'm afraid I might have trouble sleeping from the excitement. Yeah, they're going to induce. They planned to, since my wife ended up with gestational diabetes, and that throws a wrench in the works as far as risks, such as a 12lb. baby--which would pretty much require a C-section. Fortunately, we think the baby will come out in the 6lb range based on the last ultrasound. The doctor was looking to milk it until May 8th, but when he checked out my wife, something he felt seemed to indicate it might be go time sooner than later, and he's probably right, since she's carrying lower now. With her sister, they didn't need to do the pitocin drip, but I don't know if that will be the same case for us. I told my wife I'm gonna buy a gun every year so when our girl is old enough to date, I'll just casually show the collection to any boy. j/k, gotta get through the poopy diapers first. Thanks guys!
personally i'd make sure it's a VERY BIG very impressive weapon, e.g. preferably something that fires [strike]scud[/strike] patriot missiles Edit: :good: luck to you & your wife
Yeah, we have a name...but for reasons that can be summed up by 'the Internet', I'd rather not say on a public forum. Nothing against you guys, but something about weirdos floating around out there. Anyway, I'm just browsing around, drinking a beer (for enjoyment/sleep aid ), and then hitting the sack.
Wow, Big B! Juding by these post dates, it must've happened already! What's the news, how did it go??
Well, pretty good mostly, however, there was a slight kink in the works. Basically, our girl was born with low blood sugar, and it wasn't something they were able to take care of in the nursery and they moved her to the ICU. What happens is fairly common with gestation diabetic mothers: the baby is so used to mom's sugar levels that when they're born and need to switch to a DIY mode, the sugar levels drop. It sounds a lot worse than it really is, because once she started the poop train, she's been eating well and they were able to get her off the sugar water IV drip. Unless something goes really, really wrong in the next oh, 20 hours or so, she's coming home with us tomorrow (Saturday) after I renew the plate on my car. I'm pretty scruffy right now, but I'll shave tomorrow or something after we bring the baby home.
Mazal-Tov BB!!! Congrats to you both. Hope things are going well and both mother and daughter are going from strength to strength! (and perhaps you are getting less scruffy...) Hehe, can we call you Big D now? All the best to all of you!
Wow AWESOME! Congrats on everything going well, man! :birthday: Happy (zeroth?) birthday to your little girl Cute baby pics