cheers, it made me laugh for ages BTW: where did you get that smiley assuming you made it could i please ask if HWF can use it in there default smilies ?
Hi - no I am not clever enough to make smileys lol! I originally got it from another forum where I mod - don't know where they got it from and as far as I know you can use it.
it's easy, i'll edit it (just in case of a problem with copyright) and submit it to HWF - hope they use it Edit: BTW: thankies
Just checking to see if you managed to add the laughing smiley but although I clicked on [More] I cannot see any more of the 119 smileys. I have checked my profile and as far as I can see WYSIWYG is ticked or should it be un-ticked:doh:
just edited it, being busy trying to setup LAMP (don't worry Linux crap) it depends how you prefer to see HWF, personally i prefer the WYSIWYG style editor, but i'm sure opinions will differ BTW: if you want, try the standard editor, you may prefer it, i know i did ages ago when i was a noob, although i always feel like a noob, however if i think about whatever i do in fact know about it, but then again, my googleing skills have greatly improved which help vastly there's so much crap in my head i'm afraid to go to sleep just in case some stuff escapes out of my ear