LCD Monitor issue.

Discussion in 'Video Cards, Displays and TV Tuners' started by lightangelbr, Oct 6, 2009.

  1. lightangelbr

    lightangelbr Geek Trainee

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    [SOLVED]LCD Monitor issue. | Shaking, flickering etc

    Edited! See solution below!
    Hi people,

    Nowadays, I'm getting my LCD monitor not working properly.
    Everytime I turn it on the screen get a little weird.

    Like this ->




    After a couple of minutes the monitor come back to work properly.

    Anyone can help me to solve that problem?

    PS: I apologize for my very bad english, I'm Brazilian :D


    Since I started searching about this problem, I found that the problem could be from any damage in the power supply of the LCD screen.
    So after some trys I tried to change the power supply cable of the Screen for another one.
    The cable looks like this below:

    I think anyone with this problem should try this before start searching like a crazy in the internet :)
    PS: This solve the shaking problem on the screen too;
  2. lightangelbr

    lightangelbr Geek Trainee

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  3. Dracos

    Dracos Geek

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    reserve a graveyard for ur lcd because it gives signs of death :D i hope u have ur warranty still available for changing it otherwise watch for discounts on lcds :cool:
  4. lightangelbr

    lightangelbr Geek Trainee

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    Wow, I bought this fuckin' LCD screen there is only 2 months.

    Let's call warranty! :D

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