Xp Pro Loop Reboots

Discussion in 'Windows OS's' started by tonys317, Oct 6, 2009.


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Poll closed Oct 11, 2009.
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  1. tonys317

    tonys317 Geek Trainee

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    I do not know if I am asking this question wrong. I need into my computer. I have 5 files I have needed now for 3 days for work. I have spent about 20 hours failing at self diagnose. I do not have any money to take it to a repair shop. However, I would gladly pay pal someone $20 if they can help me repair this? I will share my number or Instant Messenger.

    I can not access my computer not through 'general' safe mode or 'f8' safe mode(Networking/Command Prompt);
    Enable VGA does nothing;
    Last Known Config or
    Directory Services Restore Mode

    None of these oprions get me in they just auto reboot. When I attempt to use any safe mode option I get errors like the following:

    (there are about 15 of these options; or more).
    Then it prompts me to press escape to abort something called SPDT load?

    The stop errors are:
    0x0000007e(0xc0000005, 0x70f4382,0xf78cf324,0xf78cf020)

    The first 2 stop code errors seem to be very broad. I can find no additional information on the additional errors.

    The computer is 3 yrs old and has had no issue until the other day. I downloaded a file from a trusted site(Kodak) rebooted the computer and it sent me into this loop auto reboot. It is not running hot, the hard drive is not making strange sounds or smoking. I ran a 9 hour diagnose package that came with the computer. I am not sure what it did but it checked: Thermal/Memory and spent a great deal of time on the harddrive(no errors).

    In the xp console I have no clue what I am doing. I tried to repair the boot.ini file, master boot record and other things. It is scary stuff :O. I accidently created 2 new Operating systems(I am asked to select one before loading). I think I did this with bootfix.

    There seem to be 2 obvious problems that started when I downloaded and ran a file:
    1) When I try to load through safe mode I receive those partition errors
    2) The stop errors. The first 2 stop errors seem very general. The additional ones I can find no information on!

    Do I just need to reinstall? Why did this happen? Any thoughts? This loop reboot/safemode/first 2 stop errors seems somewhat common.

    20 hours later I still need the files. So it is clear the only way to get into the computer is using console cd.
  2. Dracos

    Dracos Geek

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    do you get a blue screen crash while u try to boot normally or just a restart without seeing anything?
  3. Dracos

    Dracos Geek

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    and u might need the old version of your win32k.sys file, if u can get it from somewhere it will be very good for u

    another solution is to boot the computer from a live cd like linux ubuntu or pardus, i prefer pardus because it's a collection of all useful things in a linux version, take the files you need with a usb flash drive and have a clean install of xp again

    it seems to be the better way of coping with it :cool:

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