dvd shows in bios and device manager but not in my computer

Discussion in 'General Hardware' started by geekygirl, Dec 5, 2009.

  1. geekygirl

    geekygirl Geek Trainee

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    I cannot figure this out. I can't access either dvd drive. I have a rw and a regular. They show up in post, recognised in the bios, and show up in device manager but there is no icon in my computer. There are ! showing in the device manager, I can uninstall and do a scan hardware change and it finds both devices and reinstalls them. It then gives me the error message that the drivers were installed but it can't find the devices!

    In the bios, they are set as primary slave and master, I tried them on the secondary IDE channel too. They are both enabled. I tried changing the cable. The HDD is a Sata and it is set as first boot device, it is connected to Sata1, and the computer boots fine. The drives don't show up in disk manager either. I am sure it is a setting as I cannot believe both IDE channels are faulty and both drives are faulty. I am running XP pro and the motherboard is an ASUS A8n32-SLI series. Any ideas? Thanks
  2. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    sounds like you need to enable DMA mode for both drives that are not visible, Click Here for a solution
  3. geekygirl

    geekygirl Geek Trainee

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    hi there,

    Thanks for the reply. I finally figured it out, I had to go into regedit and delete the upper filter key for the local machine. Not sure what it was all about but it worked and everything is up and visible again. Thanks for your reply, and I did have dma enabled. :)
  4. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    your welcome
    you don't happen to know exactly which reg key it was do you?
    good, glad you fixed it
  5. geekygirl

    geekygirl Geek Trainee

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    Yea, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Hardest part was making sure I had this key exactly. Copy paste in find worked the best.

    Delete the key upper filter on right. I was told to delete the lower filter too but I didn't have that key. Anyway, it worked and I was glad. Now if I could just cure the noise with the sound card I would be happy with this machine. I have tried everything, just awful.:x:
  6. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    thankies, see i'm always learning

    what kind of noise?

    is it a fast bleeping that occures ever minute or so, if so, move your cell / mobile phone away from the speakers
  7. geekygirl

    geekygirl Geek Trainee

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    I wish it was that. Just static crackly noise when no sound is playing. I have reinstalled the sc, updated the chipset, updated the drivers, etc etc. I can't use my headset on the front mic/headphones port or back because the interference is so bad. My VoIP is unusable, and it is fine on the other computers I have it installed on so I know it isn't the headset. Checked all the sound settings, removed any superfluous cards, annoying. But the sound is great when I do play music! Doesn't seem to interfere with it too much.
  8. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    is it feed back, this occur when a mic is too close to the speakers, if it is, it is easily fixed by decreasing the mic volume, presumably as you say sc it's not an onboard sc, what is the make & model of the sc ?

    edit: & make & model of headset
  9. geekygirl

    geekygirl Geek Trainee

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    no not mic feedback, and it is onboard sound, I meant reinstalled all the sound drivers. According to the website I have all the latest versions of this motherboard an A8n32 SLI. It is just static and white noise. There are no phones nearby. I can tolerate it listening to music, but my main problem is with a program called Softphone, which I use for VoIP. Softphone works fine on any other machine I have installed it one except with this one, the headphones and mic are so distorted I can't use it. It sounds like the sound you have when you have the wrong driver installed, but I know it is the correct one. I have checked all the settings I can alter and they are the same as with any other machine I have used it. I am stumped. Driving me crazy!

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