
Discussion in 'Networking and Computer Security' started by Smoka, Dec 16, 2009.

  1. Smoka

    Smoka Geek Trainee

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    have a windows Xp and i have 3G modem internet.....HUAWEI

    I have tryed everything.All suggestions on internet nothings works....
    What to i do? I get error 633 all the time nothing works...

    I cant find telephone.ini file no where....How to find this file in windows XP???

    Installed and uninstalled the program etc. nothing

    Any help please
  2. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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  3. Smoka

    Smoka Geek Trainee

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    I tried and i don't this file anywhere....I have windows Xp Home edition.And i also tried this: run tapiini.exe. And it have me a message error could not find tapiini.exe to run it....I have tried everything.I did one thing thoug i saw that mu networking adapters were with "!" sign then i unistalled win xp service pack 3 and my network adapter was OK after that.But still the problem remains error 633......I cant find this telephone.ini file no mather what.....I pisses me off!....Is reinstalling operating system only option....Nothing else worked.I looked for solutions everywhere.I dont have any other things attached to my pc. have only 3G modem and printer and i checked printer it's not monitoring my network etc.I don't know what to do.....It seems that there is lot of solutions put nothing worked on my pc.:( :(....
    It just disappeared one day (internet) Everything worked fine until ne day, it took long to connect and all the "fieasta" began since that day.

    Put thank you for your replay.

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