Where are they now?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by DavidNW, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. DavidNW

    DavidNW Big Geek

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    Having only been on here on & off for the last few months. I have noticed that there were no new posts by BigBrother, Donkey, megamaced. When I was a regular on here a couple of years back, these guys were avid posters. Just wondered why they don't seem to be around now.

  2. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    Hi David

    I guess everyone is busy with real life or lost interested! thats the way it goes with forums...regular users come and go. I'm pretty busy with work and other projects, so less time on HWF for now.
  3. DavidNW

    DavidNW Big Geek

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    Hi, Glad you're okay. Did not mention you, as I had seen posts of yours fairly recently, but I would have equated you with the guys I mentioned as the 'old regulars' - in the nicest possible way, of course!:)

    Take care,

  4. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    i don't know about Big B or Mega but i'm here, to slightly explain my absence from posting i can say i've being researching stuff about *nix

    eg. symlink = a file linked to another file (similar to a shortcut file (*.lnk) in Windows)

    /etc/rc3.d = stop scripts
    /etc/rc2.d = start scripts

    both directories contain symlinks to the original script (/etc/init.d) but pass different parameters depending on the status (start or shutdown from different run levels)

    anyway, i'm still here, just busy researching

    christ theres a lot of crap to learn
  5. Opeio

    Opeio Geek

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    Woah! It has been a long time! Seriously since i've last visited this place. I think the last time i posted here i was losing my high speed internet! LMfao that sucked pretty bad. That was like 3 years ago btw. I think i forgot about this place and just found it by google'n my name.
  6. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    I got married and had a kid. Before that, I just was so busy with other stuff, I stepped down.
  7. Swansen

    Swansen The Ninj

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    wwooo... i have been so insanely busy lately, its not even funny... I mean, i guess i'm was a lesser known of the regulars and i haven't been around for a real long time but yeah..
  8. Ghostman 1

    Ghostman 1 Mega Geek

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    It is nice to see allot us coming back to our home place..
    Mr Paul likes this.
  9. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    Well, since some family-related problems have been cleared up and some stuff in order, I've actually had time to sit down and dink around with some stuff. It would be nice to step back in to a position, but I'm still at a stage where I don't want to commit myself and not fulfill it. Hell, I have to keep an eye on my 1-year old because she's discovered she can climb the stairs now.
  10. RHochstenbach

    RHochstenbach Administrator

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    Last year has been a real busy one to me. After having completed a Bachelor degree of Computer Science I've started to work on a Masters grade. But besides that I've been having severe health issues, especially having breathing- and heart issues which I've been suffering from. I'm usually sleeping during my spare time, but whenever I'm awake I'm usually working behind the scenes of HWF, managing threads and posts.

    But the life of most people changed in their 20s, starting to build a career and eventually starting to create a family, therefore having to spend more time on that in their spare time.

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