Why might these vertical lines be appearing on my screen?

Discussion in 'Video Cards, Displays and TV Tuners' started by Ef'can Irım, Mar 13, 2011.


Which item might be the issue?

  1. Monitor

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  2. Graphics card

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  1. Ef'can Irım

    Ef'can Irım Geek Trainee

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    I'd been seeing some vertical lines on my screen but they were not so distinctive, i could only realize them on empty black or grey backgrounds. But recently, i can barely see them in games and on other kind of backgrounds such as Fallout New Vegas and GTA 4.
    Here is a screenshot of this issue;

    Direct link to screenshot URL: http://img857.imageshack.us/i/banaaitizgiler.jpg/

    My monitor: Philips 19'' TFT LCD (190WV) - It's 5-years-old now and i use an old DVI-DVI cablo mounted to my graphics card with an adapter because my DVI cable is littler than the socket of my graphics card. DVI cable is stock that i got with my monitor, so it's 5-years-old too.

    My graphics card: Nvidia GTX580 - Newly purchased. All of my pc equipments except my monitor is freshly bought, 2 months ago.

    I also have some waving issues from the top to the bottom on some games like The Lord of the Rings - Conquest and Metro 2033 when the background is black.

    I tried changing monitor refresh rate but it did not help much.

    Hoping to get help from those who have knowledge about the issue.

    Thanks beforehandly,

    Bana ait çizgiler~.jpg
  2. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    Hard to say! have you;
    • tried updating your graphics card drivers
    • tried a different graphics card
    • tried a different monitor
  3. cube_

    cube_ Mega Geek

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    Hm, i can't seem to see any vertical lines in the screenshot.
    Could it be a monitor issue and not a software issue?
  4. Ef'can Irım

    Ef'can Irım Geek Trainee

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    Tried updating my graphics card drivers, did not work. But i didn't have the chance to try others because i think i need a suggestion before making a move.

    Also, scorps65 says he/she cant see the vertical lines on the screen shot, could you realize them?
  5. Ef'can Irım

    Ef'can Irım Geek Trainee

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    I wish so. But as i replied the administrator, first i need to know why those irritating lines are appearing before i do something like sending my graphics card to warranty service or buying a new monitor.

    You cant see the lines? Have you tried opening the whole screenshot in a new and full screen window?
  6. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    Unfortunately I don't see anything which suggests (maybe) its casued by the monitor, are you able to connect your computer to an alternative display device or different monitor?

    If you manage to obtain another display device and still see the artifacts then its probably the graphics card else it could be the monitor.

    I'd also try a different DVI cable.
  7. Ef'can Irım

    Ef'can Irım Geek Trainee

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    Well i will get another graphics card from one of my friends soon and try. But first of all i'll try a different DVI cable.
  8. cube_

    cube_ Mega Geek

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    Sorry i've been MIA. I still don't see any vertical lines on the screenie you posted... I see a nVidia logo in the middle of the screen and the entire thing looks fine... i downloaded the image, zoomed in, everything...maybe my screen has issues? lol.

    My curiosity won't cause the lines to go away so... let's hope to the hardware gods that your new VGA will solve the problem.
  9. Ef'can Irım

    Ef'can Irım Geek Trainee

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    It's about my screen resolution thing. I could see those lines when i set the resolution to 1280x1024, but while it's set to 1440x900, it's just fine.

    Thanks for replies guys.

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