samsung story station 1.5tb usb external hard disk does not boot up frequently in xp

Discussion in 'Storage Devices' started by Jonah Kamalakar, Mar 11, 2011.

  1. Jonah Kamalakar

    Jonah Kamalakar Geek Trainee

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    i have a samsung story station usb 1.5tb external hard disk...
    I use windows xp as my default os i also have a linux mint installed in my system...

    The problem is if i start my external hdd before windows starts then windows gets hung up at the welcome screen and does not load..I need to switch off the hdd and restart the system to load windows and if i just start my hdd after windows starts then the hdd starts.

    but if i start the hdd after starting windows and using it for sometime then the hdd does not start..i have to restart the pc to get it back up again as above.

    I face no such problems in my linux mint distribution...

    Please suggest me a fix!!!
  2. cube_

    cube_ Mega Geek

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    I had a similar issue with my Western Digital Passport external hdd. Windows 7 wouldn't detect it when i would plug it in the usb jack while 7 was running, but if i left it in while 7 was booting up there was no problem. I think you should try and reset your BIOS. After that, download the latest drivers for your motherboard. This is what solved my problem.
  3. Jonah Kamalakar

    Jonah Kamalakar Geek Trainee

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    will resetting my bios make me lose anything(just curious)...???
  4. cube_

    cube_ Mega Geek

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    No, resetting your BIOS will only change your current startup configurations to its default factory settings. It's a broad statement, but that's what a reset does and it won't affect your files.
  5. Jonah Kamalakar

    Jonah Kamalakar Geek Trainee

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    will my linux mint be affected...cuz it gives me an option to boot one of them after bios boot!!
  6. cube_

    cube_ Mega Geek

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    Nope. However, it will affect which hard drive it boots from. So if you have 2 or more drives installed via SATA, you'll want to edit your startup settings and select the preferred hard drive and give it first priority. It also might reset the USB boot settings, which is rare. I'd give it a try.
  7. Jonah Kamalakar

    Jonah Kamalakar Geek Trainee

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    I have one 500gb internal hard disk with windows installed on C: and linux installed on D: partitions....

    So i wont face any problems right??
  8. cube_

    cube_ Mega Geek

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    Nope, you're good.
  9. cube_

    cube_ Mega Geek

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    Enter your BIOS settings and set it to "Factory Defaults" or "Default Settings".
  10. Jonah Kamalakar

    Jonah Kamalakar Geek Trainee

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    I have the same exact configuration problem !!!!
  11. budoushi

    budoushi Guest

    I have one 500gb internal hard disk with windows installed on C: and linux installed on D: partitions....

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