The Desktop Thread (warning to modem users!) Well, out of sheer boredom, and to stimulate this board a little bit , I'm starting a destop thread. Please: no porn and use .jpg or .gif pictures.
Post your Desktops My desktop is just the standard XBox wallpaper from so thought I'd use the xbox homepage to make it a bit more XBoxy .
LOL! I started this same type of thread over here. Maybe we can merge the threads...I believe this can be done, except Sniper will probably have to do it (yes, let's give him more work, mwhahahaha edit: sniper "moved it after a month or so, cuz I didn't see it first time around!"
yeh nice desktop pics I really don't have a desktop to show, as I just use the default windows classic color theme on Win XP... Other than that, my desktop is organised, maybe I'll post a pic.
Notice the lack of icons...I'm proud of it :blah: EDIT: ok I'll need to post the pic I guess .... (stupid me)
wow my desktop sucks I guess lol but I dont watch much to it anyway cuze I always have windows open so the theme is more important to many icons si hmm btw a few days ago I saw somewhere a wallpaper with stuf like cpu time used, ram used and uptime anyone if I can add that to mine ?