Hi, I'm looking for an external hard drive to use as a back up. At my office, I was able to mess around with a Seagate Free Agent, which has software for backing up data. The thing is, I don't want the software. Whenever I plug in the drive, it tells me not to mess with the folders and automatically starts moving data from the internal drive to the external. I want a dumb(?) external drive that acts more like a simple usb stick that you just plug in and unplug, without some software telling you that you have XXX files to back up or that you have XX much memory used for photos. Can someone tell me which hard drive will do that? It doesn't have to be huge, but something upwards of 250 GB is preferable.
Hi, Most external drives come with some kind of software for backing up files. It either comes seperately on a disk or already installed on the harddrive you are buying. Even the one you are testing, I bet you could just reformat it using windows, wipe out the partitions and it would behave the way you want it. I bought a drive similar to this one a few years ago ; http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=6827451&CatId=2424 only mine is 320gbs in size. I wiped out the software that was on it and now when I plug it in, windows just recognizes it as another drive and doesnt force me to sync anything.