Hi. First time on this forum so please bear with me. I have two pc's networked and all seems to be ok, but I cannot work out how to get the internet working on the client pc. Both machines running XP. Alcatel Speedtouch modem (Freeserve broadband). Wired network. Printer sharing works fine. I must be missing something. Help needed. Cheers Al.
Make sure TCP/IP is installed on the NIC is my first thought. It should be installed by default, but check and make sure it is, or you won't get anywhere online as that's a requirement to surf the web. The next thing is to make sure you're setup to connect to the internet through a broadband connection and not a dial-up modem.
Wow, quick reply! Thanks Big B. Right here goes. Protocols are definitely installed. I think your second point is maybe nearer the mark. I'm not sure about this because I expected the setup wizard to take care of all this. I could easily have wrong settings here as I can not find clear instructions on this part of it. Could you elaborate or do you need more info. Cheers