Need information about an SDK

Discussion in 'General Software' started by Nightfire, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. Nightfire

    Nightfire Geek Trainee

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    I have just started an own business. I want to add a webphone to the availabilities. Since I am not a computer guy and currently there is nobody who could help me I done some research on my own. Found a site ( where information is provided about how to develop a webphone with an SDK called Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK.

    As I said before I do not know much about computers and programming, could you tell me information about this SDK.

    Have you tried it, if yes what do you think about it etc.?

    Thank you.
  2. stephenmilsont

    stephenmilsont Geek Trainee

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    Actually i am a java programmer so i always use java SDK and as you know that java is universal language and platform independent so, i never need to find another SDK available in market then also i will try to know about it and then i would let you know about my experience with it.
  3. Ted Gress

    Ted Gress Geek Trainee

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    stephenmilsont: you are wrong

    "Actually i am a java programmer so i always use java SDK and as you know that java is universal language and platform independent so, i never need to find another SDK available in market then also i will try to know about it and then i would let you know about my experience with it."

    That could only be further from the truth. Just because you code in Java doesn't mean you don't need SDKs., In Java they are called JDKs and contain partially compiled into byte code - class files which are wrapped in jar files. My java project I'm working on right now uses three JDKs containing about 40-50 jar files.

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