What do you think about the new iPad?

Discussion in 'Apple Hardware' started by Kleenug, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Kleenug

    Kleenug Geek Trainee

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    I love the new iPad. but I have trouble to find a suitable name for it. Some of my friends just called it iPad 3 and other call it new iPad. lol
  2. RHochstenbach

    RHochstenbach Administrator

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    Then main reason why I'm buying it is the retina display. Reading will be very comfortable (can actually see the pixels in the iPad 2).
  3. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    The name is odd, I've seen plenty of sites list it as "iPad 3/new iPad" so its kinda stupid name I think! iPad HD would have been better.

    I already have it :) amazing screen, looks better than iPhone 4 in my opinion! reading on it is much easier, which should help to reduce eye strain.
  4. RHochstenbach

    RHochstenbach Administrator

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    Have to wait until friday to order it. It will be sold at the Apple Store in Amsterdam at 8am, but I'm not traveling 5 hours to buy a tablet ;)
  5. Venessaa

    Venessaa Guest

    i called my iPad Minnie :D sounds cute to me teehee :p
  6. vinod

    vinod Geek Trainee

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    I think iPad 2 is the best for you....:)
  7. sp2985

    sp2985 Geek Trainee

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    how do you post a new post???? i cant see the option to be able to create a new post
  8. kickson75

    kickson75 Geek Trainee

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    I love the new iPad Mini. iPad is too big for me

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