Hi. I am a researcher in Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Buildings and my lab just received funding to upgrade our existing computers which are more than 5 years old. We work with a software called OpenSees is an Open Source software that can be really taxing for any system. It can even use GPUs for computing purposes. We are looking for information on the CPU performance in OpenSees in order to make the best choice at the time of buying the new PCs, unfortunately we have not found any in the OpenSees forums. For this reason, I decided to ask for help on this forum. I created an small building model that is more than enough for benchmarking purposes. I uploaded the necessary files to this link: https://app.box.com/s/ngp27x0maniz3ju3i6ev2lda0swmnmko Would you be so kind to help us? It will not take more than 5 minutes. All you have to do is: 1) download the file, extract it in a folder. 2) Right click and open with administrator privileges: ActiveTcl8. Make sure that the install directory is C:\Program Files\Tcl and not C:\Tcl as appears as default. 3) run OpenSees.exe (included in the file) 4) in the window that will open type: source runpushoverz.tcl. It will return a time in seconds in the bottom of the window. 5) post your result indicating which CPU you have. I kindly appreciate your help. It will use one core of your CPU, so you can run it in the background. Thanks in advance to all, your help is appreciated.
Normally the software will state minimum requirements. Make sure the computer has that or better. List the requirements including size of memory and we can give you some suggestions. For a large technical program, speed can be an important item. Ram speed and maybe a SSD (Solid State Drive). falcon