Impose head onto image

Discussion in 'Graphics Design' started by matttibb, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. matttibb

    matttibb Geek Trainee

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    For a laugh me an a mate imposed another mates head onto a "dirty" image but it didnt look real so we coudn't get people to belive it was him! How do u blend the skin colours so it actually looks real? Lol this isn't the only reason i want to know this, don't worry im not a pervert :swt: lol ;)
  2. Addis

    Addis The King

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    *cough* outcast trying to make himself look good.
    What? who? i didn't say anything...
  3. matttibb

    matttibb Geek Trainee

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    Very Constructive Addis.... i want to know cos it'll b a right laugh :chk:
  4. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    You'll probably wanna do CTRL + U on the head layer, then change the level of saturation to match that of the image.

    Alternatively, use the eyedrop tool, select the colour of the samples body, then using the brush paint over the head with the brush mode as Colour. This'll look monotone, however, so experimenting with the colourisation levels is the best bet.

    Send it to me if you get stuck! :good:
  5. matttibb

    matttibb Geek Trainee

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    Thanks Waffle i'll try it out :D
  6. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    try to find a body similar to your friends, to make it easier!
  7. Opeio

    Opeio Geek

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    Ummmm hmmm.... you could try just selecting each feature on the face, and putting it on the image, using smudge tool to blend in the skin if they are close to the tone, if its way off i would probably make the image black and white and try that.... not to sure , im not into photominipulation.
  8. matttibb

    matttibb Geek Trainee

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    thanks for the tips opeio :good:

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