Hi all i got my laptop but i have question about it. its windows and it has an internal modem i dont think its broadband though. im getting wireless for it but not for a few months but the question is i have and broadband connection at home can i just take the telephone line and plug it into my laptop at no extra cost could this be done and if so would i have to pay any extra if it cannot be done any ideas of how i can get the internet without paying extra. thanks
No you will not have to pay extra If you "Dial-Up" your broadband you will need to connect your "Broadband Modem" to your computer and "Dial-Up" the broadband using the same telephone number, username & password. As for the paying extra, broadband can be used on any computer anywhere, your broadband can be shared between as many people or computers as you want - it just has to be connected properly. I pay for broadband and i share it between 7 computers and 1 Laptop (£17 a month)
ok thanks so what your saying is to just plug the modem into the laptop via a usb port then connect the ethernet cable in the modem into telephone box via that little line splitter thingy.? then i install the aol broadband software but when i have tried this it dials to get the acess numbers but it does not work and and so if i do eventually get past that will i be able to decded to set up a new payable account or to insert a username and password adn be able toaccess the internet for free thanks in advance p.s. thanks for all the help
No watch: Your broadband use's a modem (a broadband modem). Which ever computer this was connected to (and the broadband worked) all you do is disconnect it from the computer it was connected to, and then connect it to your computer or laptop, then install the software e.t.c and use the SAME Username & Password that was used on the OTHER computer that used to use the broadband. If you want to share your internet, you would have to connect your computer and the computer that connects to the internet via a network, then you share your internet on the computer that dials up with other people on your network, then you turn your computer on and have internet.. However to setup a network is going to be slightly difficult for you i suspect. Who ever installed your broadband on the other computer - i would get them to look at it.
just one quick question sorry. when im burning a dvd off my laptop does the quality of the dvd matter on the dvd burn er or is it just the speed. thanks alot