CDrom query

Discussion in 'Storage Devices' started by Burnsy, Mar 2, 2005.

  1. Burnsy

    Burnsy Geek Trainee

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    Sometimes when requiring the CD to open, I get this pop up menu which states D:\ is not accessible. The device is not ready. Retry/Cancel.

    If I retrieve the disk, and pop in another disk, it may open with no problems.

    It just seems to do this sporadically. My wifes machine does the same thing. Music CDs that auto start one day, won't the next.

    Any ideas on a fix?

    With Thanks

  2. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    The CD might be dirty or have some scratches on which could cause it to become inaccessible. Try giving it a clean..
  3. Burnsy

    Burnsy Geek Trainee

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    I have many brand spanking new CDs' that will do this. Might the (head/reading device) in the rom need a cleaning? And what is best to clean the rom with?


  4. JAY

    JAY sCoRpiOn

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    your cd-rom drive may have gone bad..but first try the usual cd-rom cleaning kit..i think any will do..check to see the cd your inserting is not a DVD...some people make that mistake..or maybe the files on the cd are corrupt..try using it on another pc..if it opens then theres definitely something wrong with the cd-rom drive...

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